Theatrical releases (page 4)

Most movies are produced for the big screens of cinemas. Because of we’re cinema lovers, we want to pay tribute to this fact and therefore we operate our own theatrical distribution in Berlin.

The following films also had theatrical releases on the specified dates and have since been screened in selected cinemas:

Lost in the Living

by Robert Manson

Following a young man, Oisín (Tadhg Murphy), who travels to the city with his band, buzzing with the potential of a tour and escape from his troubled family life. Oisín meets Sabine (Aylin Tezel), a pretty young Berliner, who shows him the secret places that belong to the city. The band lose patience with him and move on and he decides to stay.

But this time of simple pleasures is based on illusions. Oisín’s willful escapism is thrown into a tailspin when Sabine reveals that she has a boyfriend and must return to her real life. Things take an even darker turn when bad news from Ireland reaches him. He’s lonely, homesick and broke. Distraught, he makes his way through the streets of Berlin and begins sleeping rough. His path becomes one of determined self destruction. It takes an act of great intervention to save him from the void.

Theatrical release: June 14, 2018

Darling Berlin | 2015 | Comedy | Ireland, Germany | Original title: “Lost in the Living”

Director: Robert Manson

Screenplay: Robert Manson

Actors: Aylin Tezel, Tadhg Murphy, Liam Carney, Roy Duffy, Fabian Greese, Stephen Patrick Hanna, John Kelly, Adelheid Kleineidam, Llia Loffe, Ian McFarlane, Nika McGuigan, Michel Muller, Jer O’Leary, Stefan Richter, Lalor Roddy, Jamila Saab, Lydia Schamschula, Narayan Van Maele, Ruan Van Vliet, Vid Vidmar

Producers: Robert Manson, Lisa Roling

Production: Ballyrogan Films

Countries: Ireland, Germany

Language: English

Subtitles: German


Theatrical release: July 12, 2018


Length: 81 Min

Rated: FSK 12

Language: English and English

Resolution: HD


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“Lost in the Living” (Darling Berlin) is now available on all VoD portals

UCM.ONE releases on the film label Darling Berlin the drama “Lost in the Living” by Robert Manson. The movie tells the storyabout a musician who wants to make a breakthrough in Berlin with his band, but unfortunately everything turns out completely different… The actors* are among others: Aylin Tezel (known from Tatort), Tadhg Murphy (known from…

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Rückenwind von vorn | Away You Go

by Philipp Eichholtz

They say it’s easy to grow up but hard to be a grown-up. Berliner Charlie is certainly finding it damn hard differentiating between her own expectations and those of the people around her. Her boyfriend Marco wants to have a baby and, without being asked, her colleague Gerry offers up his own opinion: ‘What? You’ve been together for five years? Then there’ll soon be three of you!’ But Charlie’s not sure if it would be nice to have a child or whether it would mean she’d just lose sight of herself. Her job as a teacher is often pretty demanding, her beloved, fun-loving grandmother has fallen ill and things aren’t going too well with Marco who often seems to bore her. If only she could reclaim just a little of the old excitement of the time when she’d dance the night away. Others seem to find being a grown-up a lot easier. Gerry decides to buy himself a motor caravan and head for the Balkans, and her best friend sets off on a backpacking tour of Asia.

Why is everything changing for those around her and why is she the only one for whom life appears to be at a standstill? What Charlie needs is a breath of fresh air.

Theatrical release: March 15, 2018

Darling Berlin | 2018 | Drama | Germany | Original title: “Rückenwind von vorn” | English title: “Away You Go”

Director: Philipp Eichholtz

Screenplay: Philipp Eichholtz

Actors: Victoria Schulz, Aleksandar Radenkovic, Daniel Zillmann, Angelika Waller, Karin Hanczewski, Amelie Kiefer, Martina Schöne-Radunski, Ruth Bickelhaupt, Claudius von Stolzmann, Natalia Bobrich

Producers: Philipp Eichholtz, Oliver Jerke

Co-producer: Joachim Keil

Production: Von Oma gefördert

Co-Production: UCMP

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English, French, Spanish


Theatrical release: March 15, 2018


Length: 80 Min

Rated: FSK 6

Aspect Ratio: 1,78 : 1

Sound: Surround Sound 5.1

Resolution: HD


All information about the film: „Away You Go“, IMDb:

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Away You Go (by Philipp Eichholtz) | Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! • Film 5

The fifth film at the Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! Online Festival is “Away You Go” (German title: Rückenwind von vorn”) by Philipp Eichholtz. In the film we accompany Charlie from Berlin, who finds it damn hard to keep the expectations of her surroundings and her own apart. Her friend Marco wants a child, and…

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Königin von Niendorf | Queen of Niendorf

by Joya Thome

In Brandenburg the summer holidays have just begun, but this year ten-year-old Lea (Lisa Moell) isn’t going to summer camp with her friends, as usual. She finds herself increasingly estranged from the girls in her school. And so Lea spends her days mostly alone, riding her bike through the village and visiting the musician and nonconformist Mark (Mex Schlüpfer), who lives on a wild farm. One day, however, Lea observes five boys hauling a large oil drum over the fence of a paint factory, racing away with their loot on a bicycle trailer.

Lea’s curiosity is aroused. At the next opportunity she follows the boys and discovers that they have built a raft on a small lake. But the raft is the property of the gang and girls are not allowed under any circumstances! Lea wants to be included in the gang and agrees to a dare. From then on the summer seems to be full of adventures…

Theatrical release: February 15, 2018

Darling Berlin | 2017 | Children & Family | Germany | Original title: “Königin von Niendorf” | English title: “Queen of Niendorf” | French title: “Reine d’un été” | Danish title: “Frygtløse Lea” | Polish title: “Królowa Niendorfu”

Director: Joya Thome

Screenplay: Joya Thome, Philipp Wunderlich

Actors: Lisa Moell, Denny Sonnenschein, Salim Fazzani, Ivo T. Michligk, Moritz Riek, Elias Sebastin, Mex Schlüpfer, Sophie Kluge, Cornelius Schwalm, Til Schindler, Tino Mewes, Jamila Saab, Ceci Chuh, Miriam Schmidt, Johanna Lanzky, Vivian Janz, Marion Alessandra Becker, Frederik Schindler

Producers: Joya Thome, Philipp Wunderlich

Co-producer: Felix von Boehm

Production: Joya Thome Filmproduktion

Co-production: LUPA Film

Country: Germany

Language: German

Dubbing: French

Subtitles: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese


Theatrical release Germany: February 15, 2018

Theatrical release Baltic region: May 15, 2018

Theatrical release France: August 29, 2018

Theatrical release Belgium: September 15, 2018

Theatrical release Netherlands: September 15, 2018

Theatrical release Denmark: September 28, 2018

Theatrical release Sweden: October 23, 2018

DVD-Start Germany: July 27, 2018

VoD-Start Germany: July 27, 2018


Length: 67 Min

Rated: FSK 0

Aspect ratio: 4:3

Sound:  Surround Sound 5.1

Resolution: HD



2018 German Children’s Media Prize: “White Elephant” for the best young actress -> Queen of Niendorf

2018 Ciné-jeune de l’Aisne Festival: ECFA Award -> Queen of Niendorf

2018 Festival voir Ensemble: Prize of the Children’s Jury -> Joya Thome

2018 Festival voir Ensemble: Audience Award -> Joya Thome

2018 Festival les toiles Filantes: Prize of adults -> Joya Thome

2018 German Director Award: “Metropolis” in the category Children’s Film -> Joya Thome

2019 Prize of the German Film Critics: Best Children’s Film -> Queen of Niendorf


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🎬 “One In A Million” by Joya Thome nominated for the European Young Audiance Award 2023

The documentary film “One in a Million” by Joya Thome has been nominated for the European Young Audience Award 2023 of the European Film Awards. The nomination was announced by the European Film Academy in Berlin on 5 November 2023. In addition to “One in a Million”, the film “Longing for the World” (Switzerland, 2023)…

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🎬 “One In A Million” by Joya Thome opens in cinemas today (NONFY Documentaries)

The documentary film “One In A Million” opens today in German cinemas on the film label NONFY Documentaries. The documentary for children and young people by Joya Thome tells the story of two teenage girls in Georgia (USA) and Northern Germany who are digitally connected through their social media activities and their passion for gymnastics.…

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Rakete Perelman | Rocket Perelman

by Oliver Alaluukas

How do we want to live together? In the middle of Brandenburg’s nowhere between green meadows, techno and theater ten people answer this question in their own way. In the artists’ colony Rocket Perelman they live their version of freedom and independence – each for themselves and all together.

New in the rocket is Jen. In her mid-twenties she’s out of the city, out of the industry and into a new life. But the rocket needs money and the solution, how could it be otherwise, is in the art, more precisely in a theater production. Jen also gets the lead role in a play that slowly surpasses reality and at some point puts the idealism of the whole community to the test.

Theatrical release: November 09, 2017

Darling Berlin | 2017 | Comedy, Drama | Germany | Original title: “Rakete Perelman” | English title “Rocket Perelman

Director: Oliver Alaluukas

Screenplay: Oliver Alaluukas, Johannes Rothe

ActorsLiv Lisa Fries, Tobias Lehmann, Gordon Kämmerer, Stefan Lampadius, Kai Müller, Anne Haug, Afrika Brau, Oliver Bröcker, Lilly Marie Tschörtner, Lars Rudolph, Mathilde Fiedler, Ilyes Moutaoukkil, Milton Welsh, Franziska Jünger

Producers: Anna Wendt, Aida Brückner

Production: Anna Wendt Filmproduktion, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb)

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English


Theatrical release: November 09, 2017


Length: 97 Min (Cinema), 107 Min (Festival)

Rated: FSK 12

Aspect ratio: 2,35 : 1

Sound: Dolby digital 5.1

Resolution: HD


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Rakete Perelman (by Oliver Alaluukas) | Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! • Film 3

The third film at the online festival Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! is “Rocket Perelman” (German title: “Rakete Perelman”) by Oliver Alaluukas. The film deals with the question of how we actually want to get together. In the middle of nowhere in Brandenburg between green meadows, techno and theater, ten people answer this question…

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TV premiere of “Rocket Perelman” (Darling Berlin) on April 4, 2019

The comedy “Rocket Perelman” (Darling Berlin) starring Liv Lisa Fries celebrates the TV premiere on April 4, 2019 at 24 o’clock on RBB television. The film by Oliver Alaluukas asks the question: “How do we want to live together?”. In the middle of Brandenburg’s nowhere between green meadows, techno and theater. In the artists’ colony…

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Blind & Hässlich | Ugly & Blind

by Tom Lass

Ferdi is ugly. And he really wants a girlfriend. That doesn’t work, because: ugly. But one day he meets Jonah and Jonah is blind. For the first time in his life there is reason for hope. But what Ferdi does not know is that Jonah is only faking it. She ran away from home and needed a flat. Now she lives with her cousin Cecile in the blind dorm and pretends to fit in. And if Ferdi finds out, he’ll probably kill himself.

Tom Lass. 1983 born in Munich. Did not study anything. In 1999, at the age of 15, first engagements as an actor. Since 2005 also working behind the camera as production assistant and driver, later as production and set-up manager and assistant director. In 2009, he realised his first improvised low-budget feature film “PAPA GOLD”, which was nominated for the Max Ophüls Prize and the First Steps Award. It was also awarded the prize of the German Film Critics Association at Achtung Berlin. “KAPTN OSKAR”, his second feature film, received the main prize at the Oldenburg Film Festival in 2011 with the Seymour Cassel Award going to the lead actress. Lass’ third feature film “BLIND & HÄSSLICH” is a co-production with the ZDF – Kleines Fernsehspiel and was awarded the prize of the international critics’ association FIPRESCI at the Munich Film Festival in 2017.

Theatrical release: September 21, 2017

Darling Berlin | 2017 | Drama | Germany | Original title: “Blind & Hässlich” | English title: “Ugly & Blind”

Director: Tom Lass

Screenplay: Ilinca Florian & Tom Lass

Actors: Naomi Achternbusch, Tom Lass, Clara Schramm, Dimitri Stapfer, Peter Marty, Eva Löbau, Katharina Bellena, Franziska Breite, Bea Brocks, Anna Brüggemann, Julius Feldmeier, Robert Gallinowski, Moritz Grove, Robert Gwisdek, Karin Hanczewski, Paula D. Koch, Naomi Krauss, Dorothee Krüger, Frank Künster, Jakob Lass, Lola Lightning, Sulaika Lindemann, Petra Niermeier, Fabian Passamonte, Julian Rabus, Sarina Radomski, Axel Ranisch, Zdenek Rybak, Cornelius Schwalm, Martina Schöne-Radunski, Emilia von Heiseler, Emilia-Rosa von Heiseler

Producers: Tara Biere, Edgar Derzian, Lasse Scharpen

Production: SHPN3 Filmproduktion Berlin, Lass Bross.

Co-production: ZDF

Country: Germany

Language: German

Barrier-Free Cinema: German Audio Descriptions and Subtitles, Greta App

Subtitles: German, English


Theatrical release: September 21, 2017


Length: 98 Min

Rated: FSK 12

Resolution: HD



2017 Filmfest München: Prize of the International Critics Association FIPRESCI -> Tom Lass

2017 Oldenburg Film Festival: Exceptional performance of the ensemble -> Clara Schramm and Naomi Achternbusch, Tom Lass

2018 Preis der deutschen Filmkritik: Best Actresses -> Clara Schramm and Naomi Achternbusch


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Mann im Spagat: Pace, Cowboy, Pace

by Timo Jacobs

For the World Breath Agency Cowboy eagerly tries to clean the breath of the world with homemade bed-chains and levitated water. Well, that should not be a problem in Kreuzberg, the district for star singers. After all, Cowboy has the help of his senior interns. But here, too, the times are changing. Cowboy has to watch the greasy Tschick McQueen and his busy partner Angel open a car courier across the street. Cowboy has to do something about those dirty slings. He plans to build a bike courier service and organize a rally right at the beginning.

But Cowboy’s mission has another reason. Cowboy does not want his mother to end up as a guinea pig in a dull and even dangerous retirement home. His mother is to go to Sohosavoyritz, the invigorating retirement home for BestAgerGutverdiener. There even Elvis is dancing as a laser projection. But cowboy needs money for that; best that of the courier company. As the world’s air center in the shape of the attractive and intelligent Fey van Schweeden sends a representative, Cowboys planning picks up speed. Fey supports cowboy where she can. For this it demands transcendental rethinking. Scattered between his burgeoning love for Fey, the appeal of Angel and his neat penchant for chaos, the rally becomes a race against time. Soon his mother should be taken away from him and these courier drivers really do not do what they should actually: cycling.

Tschick and Angel have cowboy meanwhile rushed the devil from Hermannplatz on the neck. But that’s laughable compared to the huge thundercloud hovering above him, and Cowboy’s ability to trick himself out of the game.

Theatrical release: June 02, 2017

Darling Berlin | 2016 | Comedy | Germany | Original title: “Mann im Spagat”

Director: Timo Jacobs

Actors: Timo Jacobs, Natalia Belitski, Clemens Schick, Meret Becker, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Olli Schulz, Rolf Zacher, Dorothea Hagena, Werner Daehn, David Bredin, Susanne Wuest, Hans-Ulrich Laux, Anna Ortmann, Burak Yigit, Marc Philipps, Katharina Baron Kowalewski, Uta Janietz, Christian Wewerka, Meret Becker, Hanni Bergesch, Friedrich Liechtenstein, Volker Michalowski, Steve Morell, Mona Mur, Ketel Weber

Producers: Timo Jacobs, Mareike Bauer

Production: Prophetfilms

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English


Theatrical release: June 02, 2017


Length: 90 Min

Rated: FSK 12

Resolution: HD


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“Mann im Spagat (Pace, Cowboy, Pace)” by Timo Jacobs is available on DVD and on VoD portals

From today the film “Mann im Spagat (Pace, Cowboy, Pace)” by Timo Jacobs is available on DVD as well as from download and streaming portals. The great German comedy with an exceptional cast (including: Rolf Zacher, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Olli Schulz, Natalia Belitski, Timo Jacobs and many others) appears on the UCM.ONE film label Darling Berlin.…

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Don’t miss „Mann im Spagat (Pace, Cowboy, Pace)“ – in cinemas now!

Darling Berlin is proud to announce that the film „Mann im Spagat (Pace, Cowboy, Pace)“ is starting in selected cinemas all over Germany this Thursday! The movie, directed by Timo Jacobs, is kind of a sequel to Jacobs’ debut “Klappe Cowboy!“. ‚Free swinging for world inhalation’ – For Cowboy as a libertine, and leader of…

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Beat Beat Heart

by Luise Brinkmann

A playful romanticist has been actively waiting for months for the return of her great love – when suddenly her newly separated mother moves in midlife-crisis with her and confronts her in the course of their self-discovery with new-fangled love concepts and life wisdom.

Kerstin (Lana Cooper) believes in love with all her heart and has been waiting for months for the return of her ex boyfriend Thomas (Till Wonka). She has made herself comfortable in sugar beautiful memories, when suddenly her mother Charlotte (Saskia Vester) is at the door and wants to move into her flat. Because mom accidentally broke up with her partner in mid-50s and now does not know where to go. The fact that the two women could not be more different with their longing, becomes clear at the latest when Charlotte unceremoniously by Kerstin’s roommate (Christin Nichols) inspired to meet new men through an app and bring home directly. Kerstin’s happy daydreams are now increasingly interrupted by the reality in which true love has become a hopeless, random product.

Theatrical release: April 27, 2017

Darling Berlin | 2016 | Drama, Romance | Germany | Original title: “Beat Beat Heart”

Director: Luise Brinkmann

Actors: Lana Cooper, Saskia Vester, Till Wonka, Aleksandar Radenkovic, Christin Nichols , Caroline Erikson, Jörg Bundschuh, Hans-Heinrich Hardt, Cornelius Schwalm, Simon Finkas

Producers: Olivia Charamsa, Luise Brinkmann

Production: ifs international film school cologne

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English


Theatrical release: April 27, 2017

DVD release: October 06, 2017

VoD start: November 01, 2017


Length: 87 Min

Rated: FSK 12

Resolution: HD



2016 Filmfest München: Special Award Ensemble & Energy -> Filmteam Beat Beat Heart


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“Beat Beat Heart” now available on DVD and VoD

The DVD of Darling Berlin’s latest darling “Beat Beat Heart” by director and screenwriter Luise Brinkmann has hit the stores on October 2017. Grab a copy of this extraordinary drama/comedy starring Lana Cooper and Saskia Vester. The highly acclaimed movie (at Filmfest Munich, Max-Ophüls-Preis, Slamdance and others) tells the story of Kerstin (Lana Cooper), who…

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“Beat Beat Heart” now in cinemas in Germany

Darling Berlin’s latest darling “Beat Beat Heart” by director and screenwriter Luise Brinkmann is starting in cinemas all over Germany on April, 27! And this is a movie that’s definitely not to be missed this spring! The highly acclaimed movie (at Filmfest Munich, Max-Ophüls-Preis, Slamdance and others) tells the story of Kerstin, who is daydreaming…

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Luca tanzt leise | Dancing Quietly

by Philipp Eichholtz

Luca wants to do the Abi after dark years of depression. Her little dog Mata helps her to find motivation and joie de vivre. So that it does not fail to math, Luca concludes a deal with Kurt: English against math. He becomes a reliable friend, even if it gets really bad for Luca. When will it actually succeed, this “life”? If you understand math and get the Abi? If you know how to get sick leave to postpone the exams? If you find the right guy who loves you and wants you – and who is not an asshole?

Luca knows pretty well what it’s like when getting up, eating, getting dressed just does not work. There were ten dark years in her life. Now she has a small dog, Mata, rescued from a killing station in Bulgaria. She gets up for that and goes out. And it tries with the Abitur in the second educational way. So that it does not fail to math, Luca closes with her seat neighbor Kurt a deal: she helps him with English. He explains math to her and he is a reliable friend. For example, when this aggressive guy rings again at her door. And certainly, when things get really bad for Luca. Their lives live, but only they can do that.

Theatrical release: January 19, 2017

Darling Berlin | 2016 | Drama, Comedy | Germany | Original title: “Luca tanzt leise” | English title: “Dancing Quietly”

Director: Philipp Eichholtz

Actors: Martina Schöne-Radunski, Hans-Heinrich Hardt, Claudia Jacob, Sebastian Fräsdorf, Deleila Piasko, Tobias Borchers, Ruth Bickelhaupt, Renate Lorenz, Lara Smetana, Luzie Baumgart, Steffan Drotleff, Tom Lass, Anna F. Kohlschütter, Luise Brinkmann, Markus Morkötter, Pepa Kistner, Daniel Iren Sadeh, Lilli Meinhardt

Producers: Philipp Eichholtz, Oliver Jerke

Co-producer: Kordula Hildebrandt

Production: Von Oma gefördert

Co-production: Hildebrandt Film

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English, Spanish


Theatrical release: January 19, 2017

DVD release: April 07, 2017

Netflix launch (worldwide): April 01, 2017


Length: 81 Min

Rated: FSK 12

Aspect ratio: 1.78 : 1

Resolution: HD


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Luca tanzt leise (by Philipp Eichholtz) | Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! • Film 6

At the final of the online festival Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! the film “Luca tanzt leise” (English title: “Dancing Quietly”) by Philipp Eichholtz is shown. The focus of the film is Luca, who wants to graduate from high school after dark years of depression. Her little dog Mata helps her to find motivation…

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Director Philipp Eichholtz Guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts Saar

This month director Philipp Eichholtz  with his three Darling Berlin films “Liebe mich!” (English: “Love Me!”), “Luca tanzt leise” (English: “Dancing quietly”) and “Rückenwind von vorn” (English: “Away we go”) works as a guest lecturer at the College of Fine Arts Saar (German: Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar). All his films will be shown the week…

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by Julius Schultheiß

Lotte is direct and edgy, while gracious and above all equipped with a metropolitan Schnodderschnauze. With all these qualities she is constantly in love with her colleagues, girlfriends and even her boyfriend. He throws them out and Lotte is standing in the street – from now on busy to find a place to stay.

One night, Lotte meets Marcel, an almost forgotten acquaintance, in her local bar. As soon as he has recognized her, Lotte escapes and finds a saving place in the apartment of her friend Sabine. The next day, Lotte clings to the hardships of the night and does not seem to let go of her while working in the hospital. A young girl is brought in, Lotte takes care of her, a subtle affection arises.

But the joy only lasts briefly, because a little later Lotte witnessed an encounter between the young girl Greta and Marcel. The eyes of the three cross and Lotte suspects that this time there will be no escape for them.

Theatrical release: October 27, 2016

Darling Berlin | 2016 | Drama | Germany | Original title: “Lotte”

Director: Julius Schultheiß

Actors: Karin Hanczewski, Zita Aretz, Christine Knispel, Matthias Lamp, Paul Matzke, Marc Benjamin Puch

Producer: Julius Schultheiß

Production: finderlohnfilm

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English


Theatrical release: October 27, 2016

DVD release: January 20, 2017

VoD start: March 01, 2017

Amazon Prime launch (worldwide): December 15, 2017


Length: 78 Min

Rated: FSK 16

Resolution: HD



2016 Achtung Berlin Festival: Award for best feature film -> Julius Schultheiß


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🎬 Kick-off to “10 years of Darling Berlin”: “Julius Schultheiß Special” at the Lichtblick-Kino in Berlin

UCM.ONE film label Darling Berlin kicks off its tenth anniversary today, 9 April, with a double screening of the films *Lotte* and *Monolith*, both by director Julius Schultheiß, at Berlin’s Lichtblick cinema in Kastanienallee. Both films won the main prize at the Achtung Berlin Film Festival, which opens its twentieth edition a day later. The…

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🎬 “Monolith” by Julius Schultheiß can be seen in the cinema from today (Darling Berlin)

UCM.ONE is bringing the award-winning film “Monolith” to German cinemas on the Darling Berlin label from 12 October 2023. In this existentialist film drama, director and writer Julius Schultheiß tells the story of a driven, characterless man’s loss of control and self-dissolution. Monolith is an “essayistic film noir” (according to director and author Julius Schultheiß)…

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by Jakob Lass

Frontalwatte is like running against a wall and falling softly.

Franz, Adrian and Anastasia stumble through a world without consequences. They pass the time with home visits, jaw surgeries, triangle lessons, incest and poetry slams. Her search for identity degenerates to the search for the right role. Frontalwatte is like standing on stage with bandages in the mouth.

Theatrical release: July 14, 2016

Darling Berlin | 2011 | Comedy, Drama | Germany | Original title: “Frontalwatte”

Director: Jakob Lass

Actors: Franz Rogowski, Gabi Herz, Paula Schramm, Simon Finkas, Charlotte Albrecht Charlotte Albrecht, Hanno Bachus, Florian Felder, Harald Geil, Katja Gerz Katja Gerz, Tom Lass, Nenad Lucic, Jean-Paul Raths, Martina Schöne-Radunski, Carl von Hollen, Katja Wagner

Producer: Jannis Funk

Production: Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Lass Bros.

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English


Theatrical release: July 14, 2016

DVD release: October 14, 2016

VoD start: October 14, 2016


Length: 78 Min

Rated: FSK 12

Aspect ratio: 1.78 : 1

Sound Mix: Dolby SR

Resolution: HD


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“Frontalwatte” starring Franz Rogowski available on DVD (Darling Berlin)

The debut film by Jakob Lass, who managed a surprise hit with Love Steaks, finally on DVD! With the actors Franz Rogowski, Gabi Heart, Martina Schöne-Radunski, Tom Lass. The film is dedicated to three young people who navigate their crazy path through everyday life between apartment visits and jaw surgeries … Frontalwatte is like running…

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Starting today at the cinemas: “Frontalwatte” from Jakob Lass (Darling Berlin)

Franz, Adrian and Anastasia stumble through a world without consequences. They spend their time with visits from expensive flats by simulate interest to pay out of the pocket, pine-OPs, Triangle lessons, incest and poetry slams. Your search for identity degenerates to finding the right matching role. Frontal cotton is available as on stage with bandages…

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Other films that had an official theatrical release via UCM.ONE: Theatrical releases (page 5)