News – Film

cinefest – XVI. International Festival of German Film Heritage opens in Hamburg

Today, this year’s cinefest – XVI International Festival of German Film Heritage (German: cinefest – XVI. Internationales Festival des deutschen Film-Erbes), which will take place from 16 to 24 November in Hamburg, will be ceremoniously opened at the Metropolis Cinema (Kleine Theaterstr. 10). UCM.ONE will be a partner for the first time this year. In the future,…

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Theatrical release “Searching Eva” (Darling Berlin) by Pia Hellenthal

Today the documentary “Searching Eva” (Darling Berlin) comes to cinemas all over Germany. Pia Hellenthal’s film, which celebrated its world premiere at the Berlinale this year and has since been shown very successfully at numerous international festivals, will finally be shown in German cinemas. In Berlin, Darling Berlin has organized a very special film screening…

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“Room at the Top” by Jack Clayton available today

UCM.ONE startet heute “Die blaue Serie” mit dem großartigen Filmklassiker “Der Weg nach oben” mit Simone Signoret und Laurence Harvey. Der Film wurde 1959 für sechs Oscars nominiert und zweimal ausgezeichnet (Beste Hauptdarstellerin für Simone Signoret und Bestes adaptiertes Drehbuch) und gewann den British Film Academy Award als bester Film im Jahr 1959. „Die blaue…

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“D-Day” by Nick Lyon available today on Blu-Ray, DVD and on VoD portals

Zum 75. Jahrestag der alliierten Invasion in der Normandie veröffentlicht UCM.ONE auf dem Filmlabel M-Square Pictures den Film “D-Day – Stoßtrupp Normandie“, der die Geschichte eines Selbstmordkommandos erzählt, das am Tag der großen Normandie-Offensive der Alliierten am 06. Juni 1944 strategisch wichtige deutsche MG-Nester und Kanonenstellungen am Strand der Normandie ausschalten sollte. Mit Randy Courture, Chuck Liddell,…

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Special Screenings from “Searching Eva” (Darling Berlin) in Cologne und Berlin

For the release of “Searching Eva” (Darling Berlin) on 14 November there’ll be special film screenings in Cologne and Berlin: In Cologne “Searching Eva” will be shown on 13 November at 8.30 p.m. in Odeon cinema. Director Pia Hellenthal will be there and answer the audience’s questions. In Berlin UCM.ONE and the film label Darling Berlin as…

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“A Night in Casablanca” with The Marx Brothers available from November 29, 2019

On November 29, 2019, UCM.ONE releases the film “A Night in Casablanca” (German title: “Eine Nacht in Casablanca”) on the label M-Square Classics in HD for the first time and restores it as a limited Mediabook with DVD and Blu-Ray together with a 16-page booklet in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The twelfth joint film of…

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Available from December 6, 2019: “The Warrior and the Sorceress” by John C. Broderick

UCM.ONE released the film “The Warrior and the Sorceress” (German: “Der Krieger und die Hexe“) in a limited media book on the label M-Square Classics for the first time in Germany in the uncut version. Non-synchronized scenes were subtitled in German. The storyline is clearly inspired by films such as Sergio Leone‘s “For a Few Dollars More” (Italy,…

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“Wizards of the Lost Kingdom” and “Forbidden Word” by Roger Corman available from November, 29

On November 29, 2019 UCM.ONE will release two trash classics by Roger Corman in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: “Wizard of the Lost Kingdom” and “Forbidden World”. They will be released on the label M-Square Classics, both in the recently HD-scanned international cinema version, as limited edition media books consisting of Blu-ray, DVD and 16-page booklet. Producer legend…

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