Just in time for the turn of the year, the film “Altitude – Die Hard in the Sky” by Alex Merkin starring Dolph Lundgren and Denise Richards can now be seen exclusively on CiNENET in Germany. Almost every day, the CiNENET channel releases a new film on YouTube, which can be watched there free of charge and often exclusively with short commercial breaks.
The film “Altitude – Die Hard in the Sky” is about FBI agent Gretchen Blair, who is on a flight to Washington D.C. when she is approached by a stranger in the seat next to her. He offers her $15 million if she gets him safely back on the ground, because the plane would be hijacked at any moment. When a gang of professional criminals takes control, Gretchen realizes that the man has not been a good sport. And before she knows it, she’s fighting the hijackers who are searching for hidden booty on board the plane.

Here you can go directly to the channel: CiNENET Germany