News – Film

“Small Planets” celebrates its German premiere on January 09, 2020

The visually stunning documentary film “Small Planets” by director Dirk Manthey will celebrate its German premiere on Thursday, January 09, 2020 at 7:30 pm in the “Wissenschaftskino” (English “Science Cinema”) series at the Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin. The director and his team will be present, before the film he will give an introduction to the topic “Visual…

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UCM.ONE continues “”The Blue Series” with the classic movie “Mata Hari – Agent H21”

UCM.ONE setzt die “Die blaue Serie”  mit dem französischen Filmklassiker “Mata Hari – Agentin H21” mit einer faszinierend rätselhaften Jeanne Moreau und Jean-Louis Trintignant als ihrem Geliebten fort. Der Film von 1964, an dessen Drehbuch François Truffaut mitwirkte, ist spürbar von der Nouvelle Vague beeinflusst und erscheint nun erstmals in der ungekürzten Kinofassung auf DVD.…

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Bernhard Conrad twice awarded as Best Actor for his roles in “Kahlschlag”

Bernhard Conrad won the “Best Actor” award at both the Retro Avant Garde Film Festival (RAGFF) in Venice and the Satisfied Eye International Film Festival in London for his double role in the film “Kahlschlag”. We congratulate very much! “Kahlschlag” (english title: A Clear Felling“) by Max Gleschinski with its cast (Florian Bartholomäi, Bernhard Conrad,…

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“The Warrior and the Sorceress” by John C. Broderick available today

On the M-Square Classics label, UCM.ONE released the film “The Warrior and the Sorceress” (German: “Der Krieger und die Hexe”) in a limited media book for the first time in Germany in the uncut US version, which is over four minutes longer than the old German VHS version. Non-synchronized scenes were subtitled in German. The…

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“The Glorious Seven • Reloaded” by Harald Franklin now available

Heute veröffentlicht UCM.ONE auf dem Filmlabel “M-Square Pictures” den mit Jerry Kwarteng und Fernando Carrera stark besetzen Action-Film “The Glorious Seven • Reloaded” von Harald Franklin. Der Film, der auf Blu-ray, DVD und bei  VoD-Portalen erhältlich ist, basiert auf dem Filmklassiker “Die glorreichen Sieben” von Sergio Leone, der wiederum auf “Die sieben Samurai” von Akira Kurosawa zurückgriff. Shop…

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“The Marx Bros. – A Night in Casablanca” available as Mediabook and at VoD-Portals

“A Night in Casablanca” (German: “Eine Nacht in Casablanca“) is the twelfth joint film of the legendary Marx Brothers and a parody of the film “Casablanca” with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman from 1942. UCM.ONE releases this film with “The Marx Bros. – A Night in Casablanca” on the label M-Square Classics for the first time in…

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“Forbidden World” by Allan Holzman released as limited Mediabook

In the tradition of the movie “Alien” by Ridley Scott, producer Roger Corman brought the story of the enemy alien to a new, bloody level in 1982. Never before has a science fiction film been so dark and threatening. UCM.ONE releases this film “Forbidden World” (also known as “Mutant“) in HD on the label M-Square Classics…

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“Wizards of the Lost Kingdom” by Héctor Olivera out now!

UCM.ONE veröffentlicht auf den Label M-Square Classics den Film “Wizards of the Lost Kingdom” (auch bekannt unter “Der Zauberring”) in HD abgetastet und restauriert als limitiertes Mediabook mit DVD und Blu-Ray zusammen mit einem 16-seitigem Booklet. Dieser legendäre Fantasy-Klassiker von Roger Corman (u.a.bekannt durch “Der kleine Hororladen“, Sharktopus und “Das Pendel des Todes“) aus den 80er…

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Movie “Kahlschlag” (Artkeim²) won the Camgaroo Award

The thriller “Kahlschlag”, which will be released by UCM.ONE on the label Artkeim² in 2020, won the “Sonderpreis Spielfilm” (English; “Special Award Feature Film”)” at the Independent Film Award Camgaroo. On 27.November 2019 the Award Night was placed in Munich, where the winner was be announced. The Camgaroo Award is “a film award ceremony for…

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