News – Film

The Invisible String (by jan Bäss) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 11

In the 11th film of the 15 years achtung berlin • festival retrospective online, the documentary “The Invisible String” by Jan Bäss revolves around a round disc. The film tells the fascinating love story between people and flying plastic: the Frisbee®. A journey from its beginnings around 1900, through triumphant success in the 70s and 80s,…

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Love me! (by Philipp Eichholtz) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 10

The 15 Jahre achtung berlin • online retrospective continues with the film “Love mich!” (English title: “Love me!”) by Philipp Eichholtz. After the film was shown worldwide at Netflix for several years, we are pleased to be able to show the film in this retrospective. The film is about Sarah. She, impulsive and uncompromising, meets someone…

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Adams Ende (by Richard Wilhelmer) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 9

The 9th film of the 15 years achtung berlin • festival online retrospective is by director Richard Wilhelmer and is entitled “Adams Ende”. The film tells the story of Adam, who is trapped in his mental and physical dependence on his girlfriend Anna and who envies his childhood friend Conrad, who spends his time with…

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Krach der Stille (by Theresa Henning) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 8

With the film “Krach der Stille” by Theresa Henning, we are showing the 8th film in the 15 Jahre achtung berlin – online retrospective at 6 pm (CET) on the Darling Berlin channel on YouTube. The movie starts with three strangers sitting in a car. Ulrike, without job or apartment, Anna, abandoned by everyone and without…

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Warisover (by Carlos Morelli) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 7

“Warisover” is the 7th film in the context of the 15 years of achtung berlin • Festival online retrospective. The 9-minute short film by Carlos Morelli, which can be seen on the Daring Berlin YouTube channel from 6:00 p.m. today, is telling the story of a soldier who comes back from war and gives his mother…

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Teneriffa EXIT (by Bern Heiber) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 6

The 6th film in the context of the 15 years of the eighth Berlin • Online retrospective comes from director Bernd Heiber. The feature film “Teneriffa EXIT”, which can be seen on Daring Berlin’s YouTube channel from 6:00 pm (CET) today, tells the story of two walkers at the end of the Berlin myth of…

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Lottaleicht (by Stella Denis) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 5

“Lottaleicht” by Stella Denis is the 5th film in the 15 years achtung berlin – the online retrospective. The 15-minute short film, which can be seen today on Daring Berlin’s YouTube channel from 6:00 pm, tells the story of Lotta, who grew up in a commune in the province. During a visit to her homeland,…

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Berlinized (by Lucian Busse) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 4

The documentary “Berlinized” by Lucian Busse, the 4th film in the context of the 15 years achtung berlin • online retrospective, deals with Berlin in the 90s. In addition to the major political upheavals and commercialized techno culture, a parallel universe that has been largely forgotten today also shaped the lifestyle of the city: the…

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