News – Film

Lottaleicht (by Stella Denis) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 5

“Lottaleicht” by Stella Denis is the 5th film in the 15 years achtung berlin – the online retrospective. The 15-minute short film, which can be seen today on Daring Berlin’s YouTube channel from 6:00 pm, tells the story of Lotta, who grew up in a commune in the province. During a visit to her homeland,…

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Berlinized (by Lucian Busse) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 4

The documentary “Berlinized” by Lucian Busse, the 4th film in the context of the 15 years achtung berlin • online retrospective, deals with Berlin in the 90s. In addition to the major political upheavals and commercialized techno culture, a parallel universe that has been largely forgotten today also shaped the lifestyle of the city: the…

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Blank (by Sarah Blaßkiewitz) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 3

As the 3rd film in the context of the 15 Jahre achtung berlin – Online Retrospective we are showing the film “Blank” by Sarah Blaßkiewitz. The 53-minute film is about the two women Mila and Charly, who want to use “escaping” as a means to avoid facing their crises of meaning. In the hope of finding…

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Ianus (by Victoria Schulz) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 2

The short film “Ianus” by Victoria Schulz is the second film in the context of the 15 years achtung berlin •  festival retrospective online. Just like the Roman God Ianus, in the film young mother Lynn has to cope with two contrasting poles within herself that are torn between her old freedom and new responsibilities. Ianus|…

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Kosmonautensehnsucht (by Catharina Göldner) | achtung berlin • festival retrospective online • Film 1

Today, the film “Kosmonautensehnsucht” by Catharina Göldner marks the start of the 15 Jahre achtung berlin – festival retrospective online. The film tells the story of Miriam, a theatre assistant, who waits impatiently during the summer holidays for her crush, a cosmonaut, to return from space. When she does not hear from her beloved, she…

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“Kahlschlag” by Max Gleschinski celebrates German release with premieres in Berlin and Rostock

The thrilling feature film “Kahlschlag” by Rostock film director Max Gleschinski will be released in German theatres this Thursday, 05th of March, and to mark the occasion we will celebrate the premiere on Wednesday in Berlin cinema Moviemento and on Thursday in Rostock at Lichtspieltheater Wundervoll (Frieda 23). In Berlin, the director and the three…

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