News – Film

“Dark Dreamers” celebrates its theatrical release on 12 August in Berlin

The moving coming-of-age drama with mystery elements “Dark Dreamers” (Original German title: “Albträumer”) by director Philipp Klinger will celebrate its theatrical release premiere on Thursday, 12 August 2021, at 8:30 pm at the City Kino Wedding in Berlin. In addition to the director, some of the cast and film team members will be present. The film…

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New theatrical release date “Notes of Berlin” (Darling Berlin) on September 9, 2021

The theatrical release date for the multiple award-winning feature film “Notes of Berlin” by director Mariejosephin Schneider has now been set for September 9, 2021 after the corona-related postponement. The film on the Darling Berlin label distributed by UCM.ONE celebrated its world premiere at the International Film Festival in Warsaw in October and was awarded…

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“A Deadly Legend” is released today on DVD, Blu-Ray and at VoD platforms

Today, on the U1 Films Berlin label, UCM.ONE releases the fantasy horror film “A Deadly Legend”, the feature film debut of director Pamela Moriarty, on DVD and Blu-ray as well as on VoD-portals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This whimsical homage to classic horror thrillers such as “Pet Sematary”, “Blair Witch Project” and “Poltergeist” takes…

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Today sees the theatrical release of “Los Reyes” by Bettina Perut & Iván Osnovikoff

The time has come: Today the wonderful documentary “Los Reyes” by Bettina Perut and Iván Osnovikoff officially hits German cinemas, distributed by UCM.ONE on the NONFY Documentaries label! The release premiere will take place tonight at 8:30pm at the B-Ware Ladenkino in Berlin, the two directors will be joining us from Santiago de Chile via…

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Sara Fazilat wins “No Fear Award” for “Nico” at First Steps 2021

Tonight the First Steps winners were announced, and we are thrilled to announce that Sara Fazilat won the “No Fear Award” for the movie “Nico”! We congratulate her – and her companions – most sincerely! Here is the jury’s statement: “Nico focuses on a young German-Persian woman who, after a xenophobic attack, decides never to…

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Tonight Open Air Cinema Preview “Los Reyes” at the Alte Münze in Berlin

The acclaimed documentary “Los Reyes” (German title:”Los Reyes – Königliche Streuner”) kicks off the open air cinema season of the Mobile Kino at the Alte Münze, Molkenmarkt 2, in Berlin Mitte tonight at 9:45 pm. The two directors Bettina Perut & Iván Osnovikoff will join from Chile via video for a film talk and Q&A. Tickets and further information…

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The movie “Kahlschlag” is “Recommendation of the Week” in the SZ Cinemathek

Jede Woche präsentiert eine bekannte Persönlichkeit ihre „Empfehlung der Woche“ in der Cinemathek ( der online-Version der Süddeutschen Zeitung in Kooperation mit Pantaflix. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass für diese Woche die Wahl auf “Kahlschlag” gefallen ist. Die Schauspielerin Karoline Schuch (“Hannas Reise”, “Ich bin dann mal weg”) hat den Debütfilm von Regisseur Max Gleschinski ausgewählt. The…

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