News – Music

Noble Demon celebrates second year since inception with compilation “Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 2”

To celebrate its two-year anniversary in a fitting way, the Noble Demon label has released the second label compilation. “Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 2” shows the diversity of the label and unites the roster family under the black Christmas tree. To celebrate its second anniversary in glorious style, German rising powerhouse Noble Demon has…

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“Superhuman” by Nowand (Mole Listening Pearls) on pre-sale today

The concept of Mole Listening Pearls was always to release music that touches a sensitive area in people: music with soul. The South African-German artist Mark Bahlig fits perfectly into this universe with his project Nowand. Mark’s relentless passion and dedication to creating soul-touching music on a never-ending search for an inner realm. His multi-faceted…

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The single “Lipstick” announces Bucher’s new album “Restart” (Plastic City)

Tom Bucher is no stranger to Plastic City. Since 2008 he has been making circles on the label mostly together with Christos Kessidis under the projectname “Bucher & Kessidis”. He is also represented with his older project “Tojami Sessions” since 2010. Although the producer and musician has been making mus8ic with many creative minds for…

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New EP “Volume I – Reborn” by Repentance available today (Noble Demon)

Chicago, Illinois based metal outfit Repentance has released their brand new EP, “Volume I – Reborn”, today with the German Noble Demon label! Five tracks of aggressive, fast-paced and technical compositions, amplified by a tight and sharp production, deliver an impressive Noble Demon -debut and a perfect appetizer for a full-length to follow in the not so…

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