🎬 Commemoration of Hannelore Elsner, who would have celebrated her 80th birthday on July 26, 2022

UCM.ONE and Darling Berlin commemorate actress Hannelore Elsner, who would have celebrated her 80th birthday today, July 26, 2022. Hannelore Elsner had died in April 2019. One of her first film roles was as the starlet Sylvia Stössel in the 1963 drama “Die endlose Nacht” (English title: “The Endless Night”) (Darling Berlin) by Will Tremper.…


🎵 Sin Plomo releases “Summer EP” on Plastic City Suburbia

Sin Plomo’s new album “Moving Elements” on Plastic City Suburbia, which will be released on August 12, 2022, is a fantastic 90-minute masterpiece between ambient, reggae feel and house music. The “Summer EP” gathers the three tracks of the forthcoming album, pumped up with energy at the highest level. “High in the House” and “El…


🎬 1,512 visitors see Heiko’s World in the sold-out open-air cinema Rehberge

On Tuesday evening, the Darling Berlin comedy “Heiko’s World” (German title: “Heikos Welt”) exceeded 15,000 viewers after its theatrical release. In the sold-out open-air cinema Rehberge in Berlin Wedding saw on Tuesday evening alone 1,512 viewers in a performance the film. The open air screening was like “a festival,” sums up director Dominik Galizia, who…


🎵 “Boris Brejcha – Feuerfalter (Part 01 + Part 2) [Deluxe Editions]” available everywhere as of today

The fourth album by Boris Brejcha was released in two parts. This somewhat unusual release form was deliberately chosen to show how versatile the artist works. Sometimes lightly floating, sometimes wildly flapping his wings, yet always full of passion. The influences of his travels and performances have always shaped his art. “Feuerfalter” is the name…


🎬 Big Berlin Open Air Screening Week with “Heikos Welt”

The Darling Berlin comedy “Heikos Welt” is not only going into its eighth nationwide cinema week, in Berlin there are three big open-air screenings on the program. On Saturday July,16th, the Berlin Open Air Premiere will take place at 9.30 p.m. in the Moabiter Filmrauschpalast. On Sunday at 9:45 p.m. we go to the “Insel Open-Air…