Night Crowned releases brand new album “Hädanfärd” on Noble Demon!

Praised by fans and critics alike for their outstanding 2020 debut album (“Impius Viam”), Sweden’s Night Crowned have unleashed the hotly anticipated & worthy successor, titled “Hädanfärd”! With nine tracks spanning over 45 minutes, the band’s brand new full-length record is an intoxicating blend of uncompromising blackened death metal, symphonic arrangements and bleak & mesmerizing soundscapes.…

Neonfly’s new album “The Future, Tonight” available worldwide as of today

Today, UK’s alternative metal act Neonfly celebrates the release of their brand new album, “The Future, Tonight”, out now on German Noble Demon label. With their third full-length, the band has taken an aggressively modern sound and approach that reflects Neonfly’s musical maturity and evolution: ten modern rock anthems, heavy yet catchy allied with hard-hitting…

Plaguestorm’s “Purifying Fire” album is available today on Noble Demon

Today, Argentinian melodic death metal solo artist Plaguestorm unleashes his blistering sophomore full length record via Noble Demon. Founded by Sebastián Pastor in early 2014, on “Purifying Fire” Plaguestorm continues to spread his blend of sweeping melodies, heavy, dark and melancholic arrangements, while mixing the old and new Scandinavian sound of Death Metal, as if it were…