“Mann im Spagat (Pace, Cowboy, Pace)” by Timo Jacobs is available on DVD and on VoD portals

From today the film “Mann im Spagat (Pace, Cowboy, Pace)” by Timo Jacobs is available on DVD as well as from download and streaming portals. The great German comedy with an exceptional cast (including: Rolf Zacher, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Olli Schulz, Natalia Belitski, Timo Jacobs and many others) appears on the UCM.ONE film label Darling Berlin.…

“Searching Eva” (Darling Berlin) available on DVD and on VoD portals

The documentary insider tip of the Berlinale 2019 “Searching Eva” (Darling Berlin) by Pia Hellenthal is now also available on DVD and on all relevant VoD portals in Germany and Austria. “Searching Eva” is a film beyond all conventions, challenging in its subject matter and visually and aesthetically fascinating. You immerse yourself in Eva’s worlds…

UCM.ONE will be present at the European Film Market (EFM) Online 2021 from March 1st to 5th

The UCM.ONE team is represented this year from March 1st to 5th at the European Film Market (EFM) Online with 3 people. Almost 3,500 producers, buyers, sales agents and distributors from 110 countries are taking part in the film fair, which is only taking place online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The EFM is the…

Theatrical release of the film “Notes of Berlin” (Darling Berlin) postponed due to the Corona pandemic

Due to the Corona-related closure of the cinemas for an indefinite period of time, we are forced to postpone the theatrical release date of the feature film “Notes of Berlin” by director Mariejosephin Schneider, which was scheduled for 14 January 2021. We hope to be able to set a new date early in the new…

Luca tanzt leise (by Philipp Eichholtz) | Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! • Film 6

At the final of the online festival Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! the film “Luca tanzt leise” (English title: “Dancing Quietly”) by Philipp Eichholtz is shown. The focus of the film is Luca, who wants to graduate from high school after dark years of depression. Her little dog Mata helps her to find motivation…

Lotte (by Julius Schultheiß) | Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! • Film 4

“Lotte” by Julius Schultheiß is the fourth film at the online festival Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! The film tells the story of Lotte. She is direct and edgy, while gracious and above all equipped with a metropolitan Schnodderschnauze. With all these qualities she is constantly in love with her colleagues, girlfriends and even…

Rakete Perelman (by Oliver Alaluukas) | Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! • Film 3

The third film at the online festival Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! is “Rocket Perelman” (German title: “Rakete Perelman”) by Oliver Alaluukas. The film deals with the question of how we actually want to get together. In the middle of nowhere in Brandenburg between green meadows, techno and theater, ten people answer this question…

Swimming (by Luzie Loose) | Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! • Film 2

The second film at the Darling, Berlin! Berlin, Sayang! Berlin, Teerak! online festival is “Swimming” (German title: “Schwimmen”) by Luzie Loose. “Swimming” tells the story of Elisa and Anthea, two very different girls, whose friendship gives them support and orientation during a difficult phase in their lives. They become best friends and develop a game in which they…