Today the visually stunning documentary film “Small Planets” by director Dirk Manthey will celebrate its German premiere at 7:30 pm in the “Wissenschaftskino” (English “Science Cinema“) series at the Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin. The documentary film about four places, each of which is in its own way isolated from the rest of the world, gets by without commentary and instead lets the images and inhabitants speak for themselves.

“Small Planets” wants to make the isolation of these places tangible and the walls that surround them visible. Both the real ones and the ones we create in our heads. They are spaces on the edge of Europe and also in the middle of it, places whose sheer existence is astonishing. They are located in Spain, Italy, Iceland and Norway. They are microcosms that seem like a mirror image of our society today. What influence do these places have on their inhabitants, and who is part of the community?
The director and his team will be present, before the film he will give an introduction to the topic “Visual Anthropology” which he teaches at the University of Münster, and after the screening he will answer questions from the audience.
More information about the documentary: Small Planets