Everything Always All the Time | Kim hat einen Penis

The film “Kim hat einen Penis” (English title: Everything Always All the Time“) is the fourth feature-length film by Philipp Eichholtz after the films “Liebe mich!” (2014 – English title: “Love me!“), “Luca tanzt leise” (2016 – English title: “Dancing Quietly“) and “Rückenwind von vorn” (2018  – English title: “Away You Go“). In 2018 Philipp Eichholtz managed to get a premiere with “Rückenwind von vorn” at the 68th Berlinale as well as at the Filmfest München 2018 with “Kim hat einen Penis”.

Kim hat einen Penis” war zudem der Eröffnungsfilm bei 15. achtung berlin – new berlin film award 2019 und war zudem vor Kinostart bei zahlreichen Festivals wie z.B. dem 16. Neisse Festival zu sehen.


How’s relationship going? What happens when your girlfriend suddenly has a penis? And is love in the end only for idiots?

Kim and Andreas are actually quite happy – with themselves and life. But Kim wants more. She wants a penis. Not because she wants to be a man, but simply because she is curious. But she doesn’t want to talk to Andreas about it. She prefers to present him with a fait accompli. Who needs communication if you can do without it?

While Andreas falls into silent actionism, Kim runs through Berlin in a goose step. To top it all off, their mutual best friend Anna moves in with them with her own heartache and an acute desire to have children. That doesn’t make it any easier to talk about their own wishes and needs. Maybe a penis is never a metaphor – it is already the refrain of their relationship. And if you end up feeling lonely with two people, are you perhaps less alone with three people?

About Philipp Eichholtz:

Philipp Eichholtz grew up in a small village near Osnabrück. Already at the age of 15 he made his first short film with school friends. In the following eight years he realized countless other projects. In 2005 he won a first prize with the short film “Der letzte Abend” (English: “The Last Eveninig“), the junior prize of the Hamm Film Festival.

In the summer of 2005 Philipp Eichholtz also successfully completed his training as an editor. Since then the focus has initially been on music videos for bands such as Kapelle Petra, Peilomat, The Intersphere, Global Kryner, Da Blechhauf’n and Karat. For these music videos, Eichholtz usually took over conception, direction and editing in personal union. Since 2007 he has worked as an assistant to the set recording director on various feature films and series productions, including two Tatort productions for the RBB. Starting in 2014, he will produce his first feature films together with his permanent partner Oliver Jerke, all of which will be released in Germany.

In 2016 Netflix licensed his first two films “Liebe mich!” and “Lucan tanzt leise” and published them worldwide (“Liebe mich!”). – English title: “Love me!” on July 01, 2016; “Luca tanzt leise” – English title: “Dancing Quietly” on April 01, 2017).

During the 68th Berlinale Philipp Eichholtz received the award “Variety´s 10 Europeans to Watch” in the Ritz Hotel at Potsdamer Platz from the hands of Variety editor-in-chief Steven Gaydos and Medienboard boss Kirsten Niehuus in front of 2000 guests.

Director’s note from Philipp Eichholtz:

“The basic idea for the movie “Everything Always All the Time” didn’t come from me, but from my longtime producer and best friend Oliver Jerke. The film begins in the utopia that it is simply possible to change one’s gender. In the following the film shows the consequences in Kim’s everyday life (played by Martina Schöne-Radunski). The film is definitely not a transgender film. If I wanted to tackle such a topic, I would shoot a completely different film. “Everything Always All the Time”  is a tragic comedy about a hetero relationship between two mid-thirties.

The film was shot in 16 days. Although there was a lot of improvisation in the movie, you shouldn’t notice it when watching it.”

Original title: Kim hat einen Penis

Director: Philipp Eichholtz

Book: Christian Ehrich, Philipp Eichholtz, Maxi Rosenheinrich, Martina Schöne-Radunski

Actor & actresses:  Martina Schöne-Radunski, Christian Ehrich, Stella Hilb, Matthias Lier, Lana Cooper, Hans-Heinrich Hardt, Lilli Meinhardt, Sebastian Fräsdorf, Mata (Hund)

Producers: Philipp Eichholtz, Oliver Jerke, Joachim Keil

Cinematography: Fee Scherer

Camera: Manuel Ruge

Sound: Joo Fürst, Olga Molchanova Reed

Editing: Markus Morkötter

Costumes: Alexandra Wasserthal-Zuccari

Music: Tina Pepper, Ofrin, Dota


Production: Von Oma gefördert

Co-Production: UCMP

Year of production: 2018

Genre: Drama, Comedy

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English

Genre: Comedy, Drama


Lenkt: 86 Min

Youth protection: 12

Aspect ratio: 16:9

Resolution: HD

Other title:

English: Everything Always All the Time

Premiere: Filmfest München 2018

Opening film: achtung berlin 2019

Filmlabel: Darling Berlin

Theatrical distribution: UCM.ONE


Theatrical release: 13.06.2019

DVD-Start: tba

VoD-Start: tba

Trailer (with English subtitles)

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Press comments

Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Philipp Eichholtz’s relationship comedy doesn’t tell anything about queer identity problems, but uses the male genitals as hooks for turbulent role-playing games. The film reverses amusingly common patterns with its great protagonists …”. 

Tom Westerholt (Deutschlandfunk): “A bizarre but extremely worth seeing film”. The Bremer Weser Kurier judges: “A clumsy title, a clever film: “Kim has a penis” illuminates an unusual sex change with a lot of humour.”

Tagesspiegel: “Kim hat einen Penis” explores the potential minefield very carefully and above all without any gruesome grudges. The temptation to ridicule the story with tenderness rolls off Eichholtz’s everyday lacony. If at all, the film’s bizarre anarchism makes fun of the certainties of bourgeois hetero-life models a tiny bit – without going over the top.”

Kinozeit: “The best film start in years: Kim in a clinic. “I want a penis!” The serious, greyish doctor talks sympathetically about hormone treatment, etc. Isn’t that faster? Well, without hormone, of course: in the afternoon at 16 o’clock. And Kim has a penis from now on.”

Bremer Weser Kurier: “A clumsy title, a clever film: “Kim has a penis” illuminates an unusual sex change with a lot of humour.”

Artechock: “The comedy proves with refreshing naivety that there is hope for love despite all the puritanical gender laws and prohibitions rampant especially in the capital.”

die taz: “Kim has a penis” is, so to speak, the counterpart to “a tailwind from the front”. Because here it’s the main character himself who pushes change forward, even forces it. Her desire to try something new.”

Sissy Magazine: “Worth seeing study about the inability of many couples to talk to each other about their (sexual) desires”.

Filmdienst: “Eichholtz’s unfamiliar gaze results from the fact that the headwind comes from a woman who not only pulls along organically, but also simply passes through feminist demands when planning her life, simply assuming the behaviour that her male counterparts take for granted.” “Eichholtz’s unfamiliar gaze results from the fact that the headwind comes from a woman who not only pulls along organically, but also simply passes through feminist demands when planning her life, thereby simply assuming the behaviour that her male counterparts take for granted.”


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