🎬 Tellfilm and UCM.ONE agree to collaborate on the film “Youth Topia” by Dennis Stormer

The Swiss company tellfilm and UCM.ONE agree on a far-reaching cooperation. In the course of this, UCM.ONE will release the film “Youth Topia” by Dennis Stormer in Germany on the Artkeim² label and also market the film worldwide outside Switzerland. The dystopian coming of age comedy “Youth Topia” – the debut film by Dennis Stormer…

🏛️ UCM.ONE opens new office for digital film distribution in Hamburg

From January 2023, UCM.ONE will open a new office in Hamburg. While Mannheim will continue to be home to the music department and the theatrical distribution and home entertainment department for films will remain in Berlin, the digital film distribution (aggregator for audiovisual content) will move from Berlin to Hamburg. This is accompanied by a…