Director and actor Zoltan Paul presents his new movie “Breakdown in Tokyo” (Darling Berlin) on a multi-day cinema tour in Germany. The screening in the presence of Zoltan Paul will start on August 28 at the Abaton in Hamburg. In addition for the theatrical release on August, 30 , a concert with the film band PeroPero will take place in the City Kino Wedding. Find out all dates of the cinema tour:

The movie plays 8,910 kilometers from Berlin. Sixty-year-old director Lászlo (Zoltan Paul) and his film crew enthusiastically accompany his son (Julian Adam Pajzs) and his ultra-hip band PeroPero on a tour of Japan. In the clubs between Osaka and Tokyo Lászlo tries to catch up on his childhood dream: a wild musician life, which has been his own son for years.
So gerät gleich nach der Ankunft in Tokyo die junge japanische Tourmanagerin (Tomoko Inoue) in Lászlos aufschäumende Rock & Roll-Begierde. Ungestört, da ihn seine Lebensgefährtin Emma (Clementina Hegewisch) zunächst noch an der langen Leine hält, reizt Lászlo auf der Tour immer mehr seine eigenen Grenzen aus, strapaziert die Nerven der anderen und stürzt sich und seine Familie ins Chaos …