Almost 400 fans celebrated the exclusive trailer premiere of ‘Rock’N’Roll Ringo’ at the sold-out Cineplex Alhambra in Wedding on Tuesday evening. The new film by Dominik Galizia, starring MartinHeiko’ Rohde, will be released in German cinemas on 5 September, distributed by UCM.ONE.

Following the trailer, the cult comedy ‘Heiko’s World’ by Dominik Galizia, which was filmed in Herne and Düsseldorf last year, was shown once again in the Alhambra cinema to set the mood for the director’s new film.

In ‘Rock “N” Roll Ringo’, ‘Heiko’ actor Martin Rohde plays Ringo, a scaffolder. When he loses his job, he hires himself out as a temporary worker at the fairground and eventually becomes a funfair boxer, driven by the goal of fulfilling a long-awaited wish for his deaf daughter Mia (Tuba Seese in her screen debut).

Larissa Sirah Herden, Margarethe Tiesel, Peter Trabner and Erwin Leder also appeared in front of Elias C. J. Köhler‘s camera at original locations such as the Düsseldorf Rhine funfair and the Cranger Kirmes.

In line with its distribution concept, UCM.ONE will also market the film internationally and intermedially outside Germany, i.e. aim for a broad market entry of the film on all possible distribution channels and markets.

More information about the movie: Heiko’s World