Street of Sin | Der Arzt von St. Pauli:

Der Arzt von St. Pauli” (English titles: “The Doctor of St. Pauli“, “Street of Sin“) is a star-studded, exploitative German milieu study with Curd Jürgens (“Der Spion, der mich liebte“), Fritz Wepper (“Derrick“, “Der Kommissar“), Dieter Borsche (“Das Halstuch“); “Heinz Reincke” (“Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein“) and Christiane Rücker (“Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel“, “Kottan ermittelt“).


Dr. Jan Diffring (Curd Jürgens) practices as a doctor on the Reeperbahn and has the full trust of the people who work and live here. He would never give information to the police and look the other way when someone is in distress. When he is out on the Reeperbahn in the early hours of the morning, he comes to the aid of a young woman who is being beaten up by a couple of men. He has no idea that this assault is connected to sex parties organised for a clientele of rich businessmen, in which his brother Klaus (Horst Naumann) is involved. Although he is a respected gynaecologist, he has large debts and is forced to make rich married ladies, who want to have an unwanted pregnancy removed by him, compliant for these parties.

When the young sailor Hein (Fritz Wepper) turns to Jan and asks him to help him find his fiancée Margot (Christiane Rücker), who has disappeared without a trace, the situation escalates…

Production history

The filming took place exclusively in Hamburg. The criticism was not very positive. They wrote of an implausible story, many clichés and imposed morals. The audience was of a different opinion. Over three million visitors spoke for themselves.

About director Rolf Olsen

Rolf Olsen was a multi-talented filmmaker. Born with the name Rudolf Knoblich in Vienna on 26 December 1919, this all-rounder worked as a screenwriter, actor and director during his long and successful film career. For many films he always did this simultaneously. In this film, too, he wrote the script, directed and also acted in the role of the coroner. Rolf Olsen was a workaholic! He worked on about 100 films and television productions from 1947 to 1990. Olsen mastered all genres. Whether comedy, drama, crime or horror, Olsen could do it all. Rolf Olsen succumbed to cancer on 3.4.1998 in Starnberg.

Filmography (excerpt)

1963 Der letzte Ritt nach Santa Cruz
1964 Heiß weht der Wind
1966 In Frankfurt sind die Nächte heiß
1968 Der Arzt von St. Pauli
1969 Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins
1970 Das kann doch unser´n Willi nicht erschüttern
Der Pfarrer von St. Pauli
1977 Reise ins Jenseits (Dokumentarfilm)
1988 Starke Zeiten

“Der Arzt von St. Pauli” is a wonderful example of this, which makes the usual crime thriller a little harder and rougher, but in no way disregards the sympathetic characters. Mixed in is the quaint atmosphere of Hamburg’s Kiez, which is even more quaint when watched forty years later. But Olsen’s simply knitted vigilante action doesn’t strike such harsh notes that it would become compellingly interesting for exploitation viewers. But naked skin again and again, an action-packed final part and before that a lot of scum that you would like to punch in the jaw personally are more than television/cinema of the time could allow itself. There’s no singing here anyway, no TV romance, and instead of the bouncing figures, you can get involved with neatly overdrawn but still believable characters, all of whom have a lot going for them.” (

Original title: Der Arzt von St. Pauli

Director: Rolf Olsen

Screenplay: Rolf Olsen

Directors: Curd Jürgens, Horst Naumann, Christiane Rücker, Heinz Reincke, Marianne Hoffmann, Fritz Wepper, Monika Zinnenberg, Friedrich Schütter, Suzanne Roquette, Michael Conti, Astrid Fournell, Hans W. Hamacher, Claus Tinney, Carlo Liebmann, Karin-Ute Warstat, Ingrid Castell, Peter Bach, Manfred Reddemann, Wolfgang Zerlett, Ursula Dietz, Britt Lindberg, Dieter Borsche, Mario Amtmann, Christian Brückner, Renate Danz, Arne Elsholtz, Beate Hasenau, Claus Jurichs, Christine Kuon, Dorothea Moritz, Rolf Olsen, Gabriele Rösch, Friedrich Schoenfelder, Karin Schubert, Renate Schubert, Dieter Wagner, Poldi Waraschitz

Producer: Heinz Willeg

Cinematography: Franz Xaver Lederle

Editing: Renate Willeg

Costume design: Hildegard Bürger

Music:  Erwin Halletz


Proction company: Terra-Filmkunst

Year of production: 1968

Genres: Crime, Drama

Country: Germany

Language: German

Filming location: Hamburg

Length: 101 Min

Rating: FSK 18

Aspect ratio: 1.66 : 1

Sound Mix: Mono

Resolution: Full HD (neue 4K scan)

Other titles:

English (UK): Street of Sin

English (US): Sidewalk Doctor, Bedroom Stewardesses, The Bedroom, The Doctor of St. Pauli

English (HK): Orgy Blackmailer

French: Le médecin de Hambourg

Italian: L’ago sotto la pelle

Portuguese: Chantagem Perversa


1969 Hauptverband Deutscher Filmtheater: “Goldene Leinwand” for 3 million cinema-goers -> The Doctor of St. Pauli

Film label: U8 Films Berlin


Kinostart: September 20, 1968

Mediabook (Blu-Ray+DVD): August 26, 2022

Blu-Ray: August 26, 2022

DVD: August 26, 2022

Der Arzt von St. Pauli” (English titles: “The Doctor of St. Pauli“, “Street of Sin“) is the first of five “St. Pauli films” with Curd Jürgens, which were continued with the films: “Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins” (1969), “Der Pfarrer von St. Pauli” (1970), “Das Stundenhotel von St. Pauli” (1970), “Käpt’n Rauhbein aus St. Pauli” (1971).

About Curd Jürgens

Curd Gustav Andreas Gottlieb Franz Jürgens was born on 13 December 1915 in Solln near Munich. He was a German theatre and film actor, with French roots on his mother’s side. He grew up in Berlin. Curd Jürgens worked as a journalist after leaving school and attended an acting school at the same time. In 1935 he presented himself at the UFA and was promptly engaged. During the Nazi era he appeared in 19 cinema films. Curd Jürgens was apolitical in his youth. Nevertheless, he always expressed his opinion critically and without fear of the state power. In 1944, this attitude almost became his undoing because he got into a fight with a couple of SS men in a pub in Vienna without knowing their identity. They were the brother of Gestapo chief Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Robert Kaltenbrunner, SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny and an associate of Baldur von Schirach. Curd Jürgens was arrested and locked up in a labour camp, from where, however, he managed to escape after a short time and went into hiding.

After the end of the war, he became artistic director of the theatre in Straubing. Curd Jürgens then applied to the Burgtheater in Vienna and was accepted. In order to join a tour to Switzerland, he took Austrian citizenship, because Germans were not allowed to enter Switzerland from Austria. In the 60s and 70s he was a supporter of Willy Brandt, whom he also knew well personally and met often. Curd Jürgens was married five times, among others to the well-known actress Eva Bartok. He was considered one of the most attractive men in Germany. Brigitte Bardot called him a “Norman cupboard”. The tabloid Bild voted him second among men “with the greatest sex appeal”. Curd Jürgens earned very well in his acting life. He afforded himself several residences – wherever it was beautiful, sunny and expensive. He once said that he could not do without luxury. His hobby of driving expensive luxury cars also proved this statement. Curd Jürgens was a bon vivant. He loved to eat, drink and smoke well and lavishly. The consequence of this lifestyle was several heart operations. In 1981 he played his last big role as a rich lawyer in the big Russian film production “Tehran 43“. Shortly after the end of filming, Curd Jürgens died of multiple organ failure in Vienna on 18 June 1982. He was unable to complete the German version of the film, in which he had been scheduled to do his own dubbing.

Filmography (excerpt)

1937 Zu neuen Ufern
1954 Meines Vaters Pferde
1955 Des Teufels General
1956 Und immer lockt das Weib
Der Kurier des Zaren
London ruft Nordpol
1957 Duell im Atlantik
1958 Jakubowsky und der Oberst
Die Herberge zur 6. Glückseligkeit
1959 Katja, die ungekrönte Kaiserin
1960 Schachnovelle
Gustav Adolfs Page
Der längste Tag
Die Flucht der weißen Hengste
Der Arzt von St. Pauli
1969 Luftschlacht um England
1977 James Bond – Der Spion der mich liebte
1978 Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo
1980 Warum die UFOs unseren Salat klauen
1981 Teheran 43

About Horst Naumann

Horst Naumann was born in Dresden on 17 November 1925. After training as an actor, he worked as a theatre actor at various German theatres from 1945 onwards. From 1953 to 1957 he was cast in various films by DEFA in East Berlin. In 1958 Horst Naumann came to the Federal Republic and worked mainly for television.

He became known to a wide audience through the television series “Die Schwarzwaldklinik” as Dr Römer and “Das Traumschiff” as Dr Schröder. But he was also present in TV series of the 60s, such as “Wolken über Kaprunc“, “Bei uns daheim” , “Zimmer 13” and “Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre“. His appearances in cinema films were mainly limited to light fare and children’s films. Another field for Horst Naumann was and is radio plays. He made a name for himself especially in radio play series. For example, in “TKKG“, “Die drei Fragezeichen“, “Barbiev“, “Masters of The Universe“, “Hanni und Nanni” and the 2019 radio play series “Gruselkabinett“.

Filmography (excerpt)

1954 Leuchtfeuer
Das geheimnisvolle Wrack
1958 U47, Kapitänleutnant Prien
Der Transport
Der Arzt von St. Pauli

About Christiane Rücker

Christiane Rücker was born with the name Christa Rücker in Schertendorf in Lower Silesia on 12 June 1944. After the expulsion in 1946, the family lived in Zorneding near Munich. She worked as an accountant from 1960 and trained as an actress from 1962 to 1965. To finance her training, she worked as a model. Several magazines put her on their covers.

She came to the attention of the film industry and was offered roles. From 1969 she also acted in theatre in Berlin and Vienna. Her films were mostly shallow or trivial entertainment films. She often played the role of a “light girl” in them. In the 1980s she devoted herself mainly to charity work. She was able to fend off the suspicion of donation fraud, which was raised by the magazine Quick, in court. In the 1980s she appeared in various television series. For example in “Tatort“, “Der Kommissar“, “Kottan ermittelt” and “Hotel Sacher“. Christiane Rücker has been married to a journalist since 1992.

Filmography (excerpt)

In Frankfurt sind die Nächte heiß
1967 Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel
Der Arzt von St. Pauli

About Heinz Reincke

Heinz Franz Ludwig Reincke was born in Kiel on 28 May 1925. Already as a child he developed the desire to become an actor. He completed an apprenticeship at the chamber of commerce in Kiel and took acting lessons on the side. The Kiel City Theatre first employed him as a prompter and extra. Until 1955 he played at various theatres in Germany and neighbouring countries. In 1955 Gustaf Gründgens brought him to the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg. For ten years he played major character roles there. From 1968 to 1985 he belonged to the ensemble of the Vienna Burgtheater.

Heinz Reincke also appeared in various cinema films. His special love, however, was television. He made a name for himself above all as a series actor. He became known to a wide television audience with his role as a pastor in the television series “Der Landarzt” from 1987 to 2010. He also appeared in television series such as “Hotel Sacher“, “Ein verrücktes Paar“, “Der Alte“, “Derrick“, “Schwarzwaldklinik“, “Zwei Münchner in Hamburg“, “Großstadtrevier” and many others. Because of his distinctive voice, he was also a sought-after narrator for radio plays, dubbing and audio books. His most important speaking role was in the film “The Neverending Story” as the voice of the dragon Falkor. Heinz Reincke, who liked to play the role of the edgy North German, however, had lived in Vienna with his wife Elfi Petsch since 1968. He died of lung cancer in Purkersdorf near Vienna on 13 July 2011. Heinz Reincke, who had been an Austrian citizen since 1970, is buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery.

Filmography (excerpt)

1957 Bekenntnisse der Hochstaplers Felix Krull
1958 Nasser Asphalt
1960 Faust
1962 Der längste Tag
1968 Der Arzt von St. Pauli
1968 Die Brücke von Remagen
Sie nannten ihn Krambambuli
Das fliegende Klassenzimmer
Der Lord von Barmbeck
Die unendliche Geschichte (Stimme des Drachen Fuchur)

About Fritz Wepper

Fritz Wepper was born in Munich on 17 August 1941 as the son of a lawyer. His father, who was stationed in Poland during the war, was considered missing in action from 1945. Fritz Wepper already acted as a child at the Munich City Theatre. He had a great success as Peter Pan in the 1952 season. After graduating from high school in Munich, Wepper went into film. Here, too, he first appeared in various children’s and fairy tale films, such as “Tischlein deck dich“, “Der dunkle Stern” or “Rübezahl“. In 1959 he played a leading role in the anti-war film classic “Die Brücke” (English title: “The Bridge“) and suddenly became internationally famous. For his role in the war film “Kennwort ReiherHorst Wepper received the Filmband in Gold as best young actor. Fritz Wepper acted in a number of cinema films until the beginning of the 1980s, but then worked exclusively for television. Here he also celebrated his great successes.

The role of the detective assistant Harry Klein, which he first embodied in the series “Der Kommissar” and then in the series “Derrick“, led to an exceptionally high profile, both in Germany and abroad. Current series such as “Um Himmels Willen” or “Mord in bester Gesellschaft” also regularly bring Fritz Wepper to German television screens to this day. He also took part in a number of other television series and made a large number of television films. These include such well-known films as “Vera Brühne“, “Ein Gauner Gottes“, “Das Weihnachts-Ekel” and “Lindburgs Fall“. Also very well known is his somewhat younger brother, Elmar Wepper, who is also an actor. Fritz Wepper had been married to Angela von Morgen since 1979. From this marriage came their daughter Sophie, who also became an actress and plays alongside her father in the TV series “Mord in bester Gesellschaft“. Angela von Morgen died in 2019. Fritz Wepper was a co-founder of the German Film Academy in 2003. He is still a sought-after dubbing actor. He dubs well-known stars such as John Savage or Jean-Louis Trintignant. Today Fritz Wepper lives with his partner, the director Susanne Kellermann, and their daughter in Gmund am Tegernsee.

Filmography (excerpt)

1959 Die Brücke
1960 Mein Schulfreund
1963 Flucht der weißen Hengste
1964 Kennwort Reiher
1968 Der Arzt von St. Pauli
1969 Der Mann mit dem Glasauge
1970 Schmetterlinge weinen nicht
Sie nannten ihn Krambambuli
Der letzte Kampf
Mord im Orient Express

About Dieter Borsche

Dieter Albert Eugen Rollomann Borsche was born on 25 October 1909 in Hanover into a family of artists. His father was a musician and music teacher, his mother a singer. Dieter Borsche attended grammar school and left without graduating. He worked at the Städtische Oper in Hanover as a ballet dancer and attended an acting school. Afterwards he played at different German stages – mostly the role of a youthful lover. In 1944 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht and had to go to war. He fought on the Western Front, was wounded and became a US prisoner of war, from which he was released at the end of the war in 1945. In 1946 Bernhard Minetti brought him to the theatre in Kiel. Dieter Borsche acted in theatre until 1978. But Borsche started his film career already in the 1930s. The films that were made with him during the Nazi era were all of little importance. Only with the film “Nachtwache” in 1949 directed by Harald Braun he was able to make a name for himself. Dieter Borsche became an absolute darling of the public in the 1950s. He formed the dream couples loved by the audience with the top female stars of the time such as Maria Schell (“Es kommt ein Tag“, “Dr. Holl“), Ruth Leuwerik (“Vater braucht eine Frau“, “Königliche Hoheit“, “Königin Luise“), Inge Egger (“Sündige Grenze“, “Fanfaren der Liebe“) and Marianne Koch (“Wenn wir alle Engel wären“).

Dieter Borsche, however, felt too set in the role of the radiant lover. That’s why he mainly played villains in the 1960s and 70s. He took part in several Edgar Wallace adaptations. But he also appeared in major television thrillers. For example, in the television six-parter “Das Halstuch“, which became a street sweeper in 1962, or in the TV film “Gaslicht“, which received much attention in 1960. In the 1970s he had to take a break due to illness. Dieter Borsche suffered from osteoporosis. The disease had already been diagnosed in 1930, but now it forced him into a wheelchair. He now only worked for television. From the mid-1970s he only had a few short appearances in various television series, but major roles were no longer possible for him. He now worked a lot for radio and recorded radio plays. In 1970 he married the actress Ulla Willick, with whom he lived in Nuremberg until his death on 5 August 1982.

Filmography (excerpt)

1935 Alles weg´n dem Hund
1949 Nachtwache
1950 Es kommt ein Tag
1951 Sündige Grenze
Dr. Holl
1953 Königliche Hoheit
1954 Zwischenlandung in Paris
1957 Königin Luise
1958 Zeit zu leben, Zeit zu sterben
U47, Kapitänleutnant Prien
1961 Die toten Augen von London
1962 Das Feuerschiff
Der schwarze Abt
Der Henker von London
Der Schut
Durchs wilde Kurdistan
Der Arzt von St. Pauli
Der Reformator

About Monika Zinnenberg

Monika Zickenberg was born on 20 March 1943 in Petershagen an der Weser. She studied acting in Munich. In the 1960s she appeared in a few cinema films. Otherwise she worked exclusively for television, both as an actress but above all as a director. She directed such popular and well-known television series as “Unser Charly“, “Hallo Robby“, “Neues vom Süderhof” and “Nicht von schlechten Eltern“.

She also appeared as an actress in several episodes of well-known television series, such as “Der Kommissar”, “Dem Täter auf der Spur” or “Das Kriminalmuseum“. She also made an appearance in the famous crime thriller three-parter “Der Tod läuft hinterher“, alongside Joachim Fuchsberger.

Filmography (excerpt)

1967 Der Diamantenprinz
Mädchen, Mädchen
1968 Der Arzt von St. Pauli
1970 Mädchen mit Gewalt


For the theatrical release of 1068, Constantin, the theatrical distributor at the time, printed many poster images that were displayed in the showcases of theaters across Germany in front of the entrance. On these, you could read scenes from the film as well as advertising messages. Below are a few of these motifs and texts (to enlarge, simply click on the desired image):

Material processing

Walter Potganski was able to realize the “Elaborate Digitization” together with Cristos Pateludis, an expert in film restoration who himself developed some tools for the respective processing stages. Together with Reno Bornkamm, he is the owner of the company Pateludis Video Transfer and was responsible for the 4K scan, light determination and color correction, among other things.

Usually these steps are done in the presence of the cinematographer and the director, which of course was no longer possible in this case. The experience in the technical field of film restoration goes back over 40 years and so in this case Walter Potganski and Cristos Pateludis were now themselves responsible for what is called the “film look”.

Der Arzt von S. Pauli | Trailer [2022] (German) ᴴᴰ

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Der Arzt von S. Pauli | Unboxing (German) ᴴᴰ

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Feedback & comments

“Cliché ahoy: A real nostalgia trip over the Reeperbahn awaits here!” (

“Great neighborhood color, but flat story.” (

“Poor doctor Curd Jürgens fights crime on the Reeperbahn without fear or reproach.” (

“Violence and nudities, are the main show values of the film, are obviously intended to satisfy the expectations of the viewer who wants to see something of the wicked quarter of the Hanseatic city.” (

“Those interested in harder, classic crime thrillers from Germany with high entertainment value should take a look at this story from the red mile.” (

“Fragrant German crime pulp that goes action and baller at the end…” (Review:

“The Doctor of St. Pauli is, with almost lethal certainty, the most emotionally unbridled feast German genre cinema has ever staged.” (

Available formats and features

Limited Mediabook (Blu-Ray + DVD):

Theatrical version rescanned for the first time in 4K and restored in full HD.

Aspect ratio Blu-Ray: WS 1.66:1 / 1080p 24; Aspect ratio DVD: WS 1.66:1 (anamorphic) | Total running time Blu-Ray: 101 min (German theatrical version); Total running time DVD: 96 min

Sound Format Blu-Ray: German DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 (mono); Sound Format DVD: German DD 2.0 (mono)

Bonus material: German trailer, artwork gallery, Mediabook with 16-page book section with lots of pictures and information. First edition with exclusive miniature reprint of the 12-page film program from 1968, trailers for “Der Pfarrer von St. Pauli” and “Käpt’n Rauhbein aus St. Pauli”.

Rating: FSK 12 | FSK sticker removable


Theatrical version resampled in 4K for the first time and restored in full HD.

Aspect ratio: WS 1.66:1 / 1080p 24 | Total running time: 101 min

Sound format : German DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 (mono)

Bonus material: German trailer, artwork gallery, trailers for “Der Pfarrer von St. Pauli” and “Käpt’n Rauhbein aus St. Pauli”.

Rating: FSK 12 | Reversible cover without FSK logo


Theatrical version rescored in 4K for the first time and restored in full HD.

Aspect ratio: WS 1.66:1 (anamorphic) | Total running time: 96 min

Sound Format: German DD 2.0 (mono)

Bonus material: German trailer, artwork gallery, trailers for “Der Pfarrer von St. Pauli” and “Käpt’n Rauhbein aus St. Pauli”.

Rating: FSK 12 | Reversible cover without FSK logo


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