Theatrical Releases (page 4)

Theatrical releases (page 4) Most movies are produced for the big screens of cinemas. Because of we’re cinema lovers, we want to pay tribute to this fact and therefore we operate our own theatrical distribution in Berlin. The following films also had theatrical releases on the specified dates and have since been screened in selected…

Theatrical Releases (page 2)

Theatrical releases (page 2) Most movies are produced for the big screens of cinemas. Because of we’re cinema lovers, we want to pay tribute to this fact and therefore we operate our own theatrical distribution in Berlin. The following films had (or will have) theatrical release on the specified dates and have since been screened…

Theatrical Release (spage 3)

Theatrical releases (page 3) Most movies are produced for the big screens of cinemas. Because of we’re cinema lovers, we want to pay tribute to this fact and therefore we operate our own theatrical distribution in Berlin. The following films also had theatrical releases on the specified dates and have since been screened in selected…

Theatrical Releases (page 5)

Theatrical releases (page 5) Most movies are produced for the big screens of cinemas. Because of we’re cinema lovers, we want to pay tribute to this fact and therefore we operate our own theatrical distribution in Berlin. The following films also had theatrical releases on the specified dates and have since been screened in selected…

Youth Topia (2021) von Dennis Stormer | Artkeim²

Youth Topia: The dystopian coming of age drama “Youth Topia” – the feature film debut of Dennis Stormer (writer & director) and Marisa Meier (writer & producer) – tells the story of Wanja (Lia von Blarer), who is turned from an outsider into an adult by the “algorithm” that ubiquitously dominates the near future. She…

🎬 UCM.ONE is part of the 76th edition of the Locarno Film Festival

This year, the “Locarno Film Festival” is the 76th edition of the well-known international film festival that has been held in the city of Locarno in Switzerland since 1946. The main feature of the festival, which will take place from 2 to 12 August 2023, is of course still the open-air stage on the “Piazza…