If that moment of absolute relaxation and happiness had its own soundtrack, well…, we got it on the music label Mole Listening Pearls! Hazelpark, namely the consolidation of Werner Wieczorek and Asu Jung have found and shaped the genre Dream Pop in the last couple of years and are now back with a release that underlines their knack for composing melancholic hooks embedded in marvelous atmospheres.
As melancholic “I Dream, I Dreamed” might be, it also offers tons of optimism and creates its very own comfort zone: Easy Listening at its best with a deep musical understanding.
Alphawezen‘s “I Dream, I Dreamed” remix with its more danceable approach works fantastically yet doesn’t lose the unconstrained vibe of the original.

But there’s more. Lemongrass delivers a stunning and super laid-back Downtempo interpretation that invites its listeners to get lost in an atmosphere of insouciance. Last but not least the EP comes with an acoustic as well as instrumental version of the Lemongrass remix. So get ready for this incredible all-round carefree package.