A good month before its theatrical release (13.6.2019), the new film by Philipp Eichholtz “Everything Always All the Time“( Darling Berlin) has two screenings at the 16th Neisse Film Festival. In the section “German Window” the film will be shown on Wednesday, 8.5. at 8 pm in the Zittau cinema Emil and on Friday 10.5. at 8 pm in the KunstBauerKino in Großhennersdorf.
The festival will take place in the southeasternmost tip of the republic, in the border triangle of the Czech Republic-Poland-Germany from May 7-12.

In the movie “Everything Always All the Time” Kim and Andreas are actually quite happy – with themselves and life. But Kim wants more. She wants a penis. Not because she would like to be a man, but simply because she is curious. But she doesn’t want to talk to Andreas about it. She would rather present him with a fait accompli. Who needs communication when you can do without it? While Andreas lapses into silent actionism, Kim runs through Berlin at a run. To make matters worse, their mutual best friend Anna moves in with them with her very own heartache and acute desire to have a child. This doesn’t make it any easier to talk about their own desires and needs. Because perhaps a penis is never a metaphor – it is the refrain of their relationship. And if you end up feeling lonely as a couple, maybe you’re less alone as a threesome?