On 26 July 2019, UCM.ONE and moviemax will be releasing an HD digitally restored version of the German film classic “Die Tote von Beverly Hills” (M-Square Clasics) on DVD. The film by TV show legend Michael Pfleghar (“Wünsch dir was”, “Klimbim”) was the official German contribution to the 1964 Cannes Film Festival and was awarded the Bambi one year later as “most artistically valuable film“.

With Heidelinde Weis, Klausjürgen Wussow and Wolfgang Neuss in the leading roles, the film was far ahead of its time in the sixties, scratching moral taboos and provoking with its visionary form and visual language.
“Die Tote von Beverly Hills” (English: “The Dead of Beverly Hills“) tells the story of the 17-year-old LU (Heidelinde Weis), who turns the head of a number of men and is finally found dead in the mountains of Beverly Hills.