🎵 The label “Noble Demon” releases sampler “Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 4”

To celebrate their fifth anniversary, Noble Demon have released another installment of the “Noble Demonic Metal” sampler series. “Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 4” contains a hand-picked selection of the talented artist-roaster’s best songs, showcasing the label’s most successful singles as well as hidden gems from recent albums. Despite challenges such as the pandemic, economic…

🎬 Acclaimed premiere for the cinema release of “Survival in Brandenburg” by Zoltan Paul and Ben von Grafenstein at the 20th Achtung Berlin Film Festival

The feature film “Survival in Brandenburg” by Zoltan Paul and Ben von Grafenstein celebrated its cinema premiere on 11 April 2024 at the traditional Berlin cinema Babylon in Berlin Mitte to an almost sold-out audience. Jan Kerhart & Sandra Maischberger The highly topical comedy about the ageing filmmaker Laszló Kovacs(Zoltan Paul), who fights his way…

🎬 “The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism” by Harald Reinl at Metropolis Hamburg

The restored horror film “The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism” (German title: “Die Schlangengrube und das Pendel”) from 1967 will be shown today on Friday, 12 April 2024 at 7.45 pm at the Metropolis cinema in Hamburg as part of the Peter Thomas Retrospective, which is being distributed physically and digitally by UCM.ONE on the…

🎬 “Surviving Brandenburg” by Zoltan Paul & Ben von Grafenstein opens in cinemas today

The comedy “Surving Brandenburg” (German title: Überleben in Brandenburg”) opens in cinemas nationwide today on the Darling Berlin label. The film is the posthumous work of director and actor Zoltan Paul, whose friend, Ben von Grafenstein, co-directed the comedy. It tells the story of a discarded “best-ager director” (Zoltan Paul) who tries to prevent a…