“Breakdown in Tokyo” (Darling Berlin) starts with premiere and concert in German cinemas

Nach einer ausverkauften Preview im Hamburger Abaton Kino am Dienstag ist heute der neue Film von Zoltan Paul „Breakdown in Tokyo – Ein Vater dreht durch“ bundesweit gestartet. Im Berliner City Kino Wedding fand am Abend die Kinostartpremiere mit einem Konzert der Filmband PeroPero statt. Der Film erählt die Geschichte des 60jährigen Regisseurs Lászlo (Zoltan…

Film premiere of “Breakdown in Tokyo” (Darling Berlin) with live concert by PeroPero

The Theatrical release of „Breakdown in Tokyo” (Darling Berlin) on August, 30th will transform the City Kino Wedding into a concert hall. After the l premiere of the new comedy by Zoltan Paul, the band about the son of the director „PeroPero“ plays one of their thrilling concerts, The tickets for the premiere and the…

“Breakdown in Tokyo” in the feature film competition of the “achtung berlin festival”

Zoltan Paul’s new film “Breakdown in Tokyo”, which Darling Berlin will be releasing in the summer of 2018, will feature in this year’s feature film competition by achtung berlin. The mockumentary tells the story of a director in his life crisis who actually wants to document his son’s Japan tour, but plunges into a ludicrous…

Theatrical Release (spage 3)

Theatrical releases (page 3) Most movies are produced for the big screens of cinemas. Because of we’re cinema lovers, we want to pay tribute to this fact and therefore we operate our own theatrical distribution in Berlin. The following films also had theatrical releases on the specified dates and have since been screened in selected…

Two Darling Berlin movies with theatrical releases in France and Germany

The Darling Berlin movie “Queen of Niendorf” (German: “Königin von Niendorf” starts today in French cinemas; “Breakdown in Tokyo” will have its German theatrical release this week. In France, Joya Thome’s family film is being screened in more than 50 cinemas. “Queen of Niendorf” was recently honored in our neighboring country with several prizes. The…

Darling Berlin

Darling Berlin The label Darling Berlin stands for fresh and uncommon independent movies from the German capital. Often underfunded but with a lot of heart and a story to tell, a whole new generation of filmmakers and actors is producing movies that are down to earth yet skillfully defy expectations. No rules. No compromise. Deeply…