The family film “Queen of Niendorf” (Darling Berlin) has reached 15,000 moviegoers in France since the end of August. Thus the film (with the German name: “Königin von Niendorf“) by Joya Thome has been seen by more than 24,000 viewers on German and French screens. Since 16 November, the film has been shown in a further 20 cinemas in Germany as part of the School Cinema Weeks. At the beginning of November, director Joya Thome also won the German director’s prize “Metropolis” for the best children’s/youth film.
Categories: Darling Berlin, Film, Movie Distribution, News
Tags: Ceci ChuhCornelius SchwalmDarling BerlinDenny SonnenscheinElias SebastinFrederik SchindlerIvo T. MichligkJamila SaabJohanna LanzkyJoya ThomeKönigin von NiendorfLisa MoellMarion Alessandra BeckerMex SchlüpferMiriam SchmidtMoritz RiekQueen of NiendorfSalim FazzaniSophie KlugeTil SchindlerTino MewesVivian Janz