The film “Los Reyes” will be released on the film label NONFY Documentaries via the distributor UCM.ONE in German-speaking countries on 10 June 2021. However, the film is not primarily about the skaters of the well-known and oldest skate park Los Reyes in the Chilean capital Santiago but about the true kings of this microcosm: Futbol and Chola, two inseparable stray dogs who have found their home between speeding skateboards and noisy teenagers in the park.

The younger and livelier Chola loves to play with the balls that are lying around everywhere. Her favourite game is to put a ball on the edge of the parkway where the skaters are doing their tricks and try to catch it just before it falls down. Futbol, the older of the two, often watches her impatiently. He, on the other hand, is always carrying something around in his mouth and finds great fun in dragging things around and gnawing on them.

“Los Reyes” is a meditative, almost fairy-tale like and at the same time very touching documentary film which tells a whole world through the observation of two dogs.
More information about the documentary: Los Reyes