The movie “Die Haut der Anderen” (English title: “The Skin of the Others“) by Thomas Stiller is now available from UCM.ONE for cinemas. The film will also be distributed on DVD and via VoD portals later this year on the label Artkeim².
The film “The Skin of Others” is about Marc Deville (Oliver Mommsen), who is a successful author of erotic literature. But in everyday life, he can not get involved in physical proximity with the opposite sex. He is addicted to porn and sexuality works for him only through an intermediate camera and masturbation in front of the image. One day Marc meets the nurse Justine (Isabel Thierauch). She also has a fetish: she likes to play games of chance, which leads to an estrangement in her marriage to Eric (Torsten Michaelis), a theater director.
Driven by normal, romantic yearnings, Justine and Marc approach over several attempts and are able to allow a bit of normalcy …
Press Quotes:
“A love story of a different kind with two enigmatic outsiders in the center (…) Oliver Mommsen plays his complex character with great persuasiveness and gives it a degree of subtle fragility” (
“The Skin of Others” belongs in the niche of the bourgeois claim cinema” (Thorsten Bretzinger, Alex Radio)
“A bizarre romance that is profoundly romantic in all the obsessions shown.” (ARD Brisant)
“An erotic drama that gets under your skin” (Westfälische Nachrichten)