Will Tremper leaves people and finds them elsewhere. The in between may be guessed – he does not have to tell everything. The tension continues unabated. Everyday observations, as they have long been seen no finer and more subtle. The movie is over when the night is over.
The endless night is thriller, melodrama and comedy at the same time – timeless and today more relevant than ever. What you can only hope for in the new German cinema, that was already shot in 1963. Without a fixed script and improvised lyrics, Will Tremper has created a film that fascinates with its authenticity and convinces not least by acting greats such as Werner Peters, Harald Leipnitz and Hannelore Elsner.
Enno Patalas wrote in 1963 in the “film criticism” even from a “German national inventory”. Each figure remains good for a surprise. Perfect subtle-humorous stretches astonish in the subdued design setting of the glass airport. “
Klaus Lemke commented on the film in 2012: “Without Will Tremper’s “Endless Night”, German post-war film would be a big mistake: besides Godard’s “Außer Atem”, “Die endlose Nacht” is one of the two films that brought me to the film”.

“The Endless Night” received multiple awards, including:
1963 German Film Award in Gold: Best Performing Performance -> Harald Leipnitz
1963 German Film Award in Gold: Best Film Music -> Peter Thomas
1963 German Film Award in Gold: Best Camera -> Hans Jura
1963 German Film Award in Silver: Full-length feature film -> Will Tremper