The achtung berlin Filmfestival starts today in the 17th edition and will show many new films until September 12th, all of which have something to do with or around Berlin. Our film label Darling Berlin also features two films in the program: “Notes of Berlin“” by Mariejosephin Schneider and “Nico” by Eline Gehring. The film “Nico” will also open the 17th achtung berlin film festival at Kino International on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021 at 8:00 p.m.

Notes of Berlin by Mariejosephin Schneider (2020)
One day and one night in Berlin: Karma drives an electric wheelchair, a casting for a shared apartment ends with a squatting, a cook and an escaped dog become kings, everyone is looking for a father-to-be and a rabbit makes a nerd finally his neighbors to get to know. Do Berlin taxis actually go to the Eiffel Tower? And who is the Queen of Berlin? A no longer very young “Man with Van” wakes up in the morning hungover next to the flirtation from last night and it dawns on him that it is slowly time for a change. A native Berliner decides at a bizarre flat share casting not to take part in all the nonsense any longer. “Notes of Berlin” tells all these stories and more. They are inspired by real notices that hung in the streets of the city – on lampposts, in stairwells, in backyards – found there by attentive Berliners and published on Joab Nist’s cult blog
The film strolls with us through the city and casts an amused, sensitive look at people and situations that one might otherwise overlook. It is a declaration of love to Berlin, shows the everyday madness and chance encounters and makes the city the protagonist, because: “The heart of the city beats on the street”.
More information about the movie: Notes of Berlin

Nico by Eline Gehring (2021)
The self-confident and life-affirming German-Persian Nico (Sara Fazilat) loves her job as a geriatric nurse and is popular with everyone because of her relaxed and understanding manner. With her best friend Rosa (Javeh Asefdjah) she enjoys the Berlin summer until a racially motivated attack suddenly pulls her out of her carefree everyday life. Nico realizes that she doesn’t belong as naturally as she always thought, and how much racism actually surrounds her.
Plagued by scraps of memories of the terrible attack, Nico withdraws more and more into himself. Not only does Rosa lose touch with her, her patients too: inside, they do not recognize the once cheerful young woman. Nico senses that it can’t go on like this and turns to the rugged karate world champion Andy (Andreas Marquardt). With him she starts a tough training program and thereby manages to channel her anger and experience her own strength, but she also loses connection with herself and her old life. When Nico then meets the Macedonian Ronny (Sara Klimoska, European Shooting Star 2021), a connection develops between the two women, which causes Nico to question the path he has chosen.
More information about the movie: Nico
More information about the festival: achtung berlin Filmfestival