In the fifth and final season, the heroes of the Z Nation series are confronted with a new zombie phenomenon: the Talker, a talking and thinking zombie species. Warren (Kellita Smith) slowly regains his strength after the drone crash and gets help from the mysterious Cooper (Mario van Peebles). Meanwhile, the group around Doc (Russell Hodgkinson) and Murphy (Keith Allan) reaches “Newmerica” – where a woman named George (Katy O’Brian) fights for the peaceful coexistence between talkers and humans. But not everyone likes this idea, which soon leads to a lot of problems…
From 27 September 2019, season 5 of the US-American post-apocalyptic zombie drama series Z Nation by director Karl Schaefer, produced by The Asylum (known from the Sharknado films) will be available on the label M-Square Pictures in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
The Z Nation series began at a time when a zombie virus had almost completely wiped out humanity. The last hope for a positive turnaround rests on Murphy – the only known survivor of a zombie attack. But the potential saviour Murphy not only carries the coveted antibodies, but also a dangerous secret – and a lot of bad mood.
Two spectacular guest appearances complete the cast: Katy O’Brian (“The Walking Dead“) and (80s – 90s movie star Mario Van Peebles (“Heartbreak Ridge“, “Damages“, “New Jack City“).
The initiators of the series Z Nation, Karl Schaefer and Craig Engler, describe the series as an attempt “to bring back to the zombie the fun that has become too serious for them through television series like “The Walking Dead“. This was undoubtedly a success and certainly one of the reasons why Z Nation became so successful and why the prequel series “Black Summer“, which was produced exclusively for Netflix at the same time, is currently a ratings hit.

First press reviews “Besides all its drama, the end-time series is also a tongue-in-cheek splatter fun that scores with absurd ideas like zombie tornadoes and alien zombies…” “Asylum delivers an honest zombie series. They’re betting on the fun factor without any pseudo-deep-smear.” “Also with season 5 Asylum & Syfy are going refreshingly new ways and thus give their series a more than worthy end.” “The final 5th season brings a refreshing new wind and is more a reboot than a simple sequel.” “A great finale with a surprising ending”. “Z Nation”: Zombies blow Trump the march…” “The apocalypse, talking zombies as energy source – brain cookies? A real madness. But a grandiose madness.”

Episodes of season 5 (German and English names):
1. Vereint leben wir (Welcome to the new Apocalypse)
2. Die redenden Toten (A new life)
3. Flucht aus Altura (Escape from Altura)
4. Pacifica (Pacifica)
5. Zombiebomben (Killing all the Books)
6. Alles oder Nichts (Limbo)
7. Originalrezept (Doc’s Stoned History)
8. Ankunft in Heartland (Heartland)
9. Die Hüter des Wassers (Water Keepers)
10. Zu viel Lithium (State of Mine)
11. Hackerville (Return to Mercy Labs)
12. Um jeden Preis (At all cost)
13. Das Ende (The Black Rainbow)