Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 5 | Noble Demon

Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 5: The German independent label Noble Demon is celebrating its fifth anniversary with the release of the brand new label sampler “Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 5”. Founded by former Nuclear Blast veteran Patrick Walch, in collaboration with the Berlin-based media group UCM.ONE, Noble Demon has quickly become a force…

Noble Demon

Noble Demon Noble Demon is the rising power-house of heavy Rock and Metal music founded in 2019 in Germany. Former Nuclear Blast head of digital sales Patrick Walch is running the brand new record label with support of former Napalm Records PR expert Mona Miluski’s agency All Noir and the product management and back office…

Cyst (2020) by Tyler Russel | B-Spree Pictures

Cyst: The horror comedy “Cyst” by director Tyler Russel is a new film in the footsteps of H.P. Lovecraft in the style of the B-film horror hits of Roger Corman, Jack Arnold and William Castle from the 50s & 60s, but with uncompromising, modern effect work. The film, which appears on the label B-Spree Pictures…

Amazons (1986) von Alejandro Sessa | M-Square Classics

Amazons The film “Amazons” (German title: “Im Reich der Amazonen”) is a rare science fiction and fantasy film from the forge of Roger Corman from the USA. UCM.ONE releases the film, also known as “Amazon”, for the first time on the M-Square Classics label in the new restored original US-HD version as a limited media book…

Theatrical Movie Catalogue

Theatrical Movie Catalogue Even movies that did not have an official theatrical release with us (eg because the movie was released by a competitor or already came to the cinemas via a self-distribution) or films that are a bit older (up to classics), but still interesting for cinema screenings, can be obtained through us. Some genre…