He considers his sound ‘melancholicly distorted’. If you struggle to come up with an immediate association, don’t worry: you can now give Sikora‘s new Flam EP a listen and have yourself inspired by this guy’s ever true sound design.
After just a few seconds into Flam1 it opens its doors to Sikora’s profound world of sound which is characerized by analog drums and a hypnotic tapestry of sound that invites you on a ride through his elaborate EP.
Flam2 draws on seamlessly and turns out to be a true summiter with its sheer endless tension build-up. With Flam3 the climax seems crested and Sikora unloads the accrued energy by unleashing a forward- pushing conglomerate of drums. Thanks to the repetitive hook the track doesn’t lack any depth at all. On the contrary, Sikora sucessfully emphasizes his tonal preferences once again.

The EP is rounded off by Flam4, a more playful and freaky number, which comes round the corner bursting with groove that will definitely keep the dancefloor bubbling.
We’re looking forward to this total work of art by our Frankfurt-based “musical old hand“.