The posthumous new comedy by Zoltan PaulSurvival in Brandenburg” (Darling Berlin), which co-director Ben von Grafenstein completed, celebrated its world premiere at the Hof Film Festival on Thursday. The demand for tickets was so great that the festival management has scheduled a fourth screening for Saturday at Central Kino 1 at 10.30 am.

Foto: Sabine Weibel, Adele Neuhauser und Julian Pajzs
Foto: Sabine Weibel, Adele Neuhauser und Julian Pajzs

Co-director Ben von Grafenstein, producer Clementina Hegewisch and the cast with Adele Neuhauser (photo) and Sabine Weibel (photo) were present at the premiere.

The film tells the story of the auteur filmmaker Lazlo Kovac, who was refused funding for his film project. Too old, heart problems and no longer employable. Didn’t the Hungarian from Lake Balaton once want to reach the heights? What now? Continue to lie on the back of his successful wife? Lazlo slides into a real life crisis and finds comfort in a “crazy woman” from the neighbouring village.

The current satirical story of the film, hit the nerve of the time and the audience in Hof: When a right-wing populist puts himself forward as the only mayoral candidate, Lazlo (Zoltan Paul) seems to come to his senses: In order to prevent the “right-wing idiot” from running in his village of 120 inhabitants, he hastily puts himself forward as a liberal counter-candidate.

ÜberLeben in Brandenburg” (English translation: “Survival in Brandenburg“) is a comedy about ageism and the post-midlife crisis with a red-hot reference to the political situation. The film will be released in German cinemas on 21 March 2024.

More information about the label: Darling Berlin