The festival directors Sebastian Brose and Hajo Schäfer, together with Regina Kräh and her program committee and festival team, have succeeded under great personal commitment, despite the cancellation at short notice for the usual April date, in preserving the festival program and preparing suitable measures so that the competition (feature films, documentaries, short and medium-length films) can take place as originally planned, now from September 16 – 20, 2020.
Festival director Sebastian Brose and Hajo Schäfer on the new start:
“This year is an extraordinary challenge for each of us. To let our festival take place under these circumstances despite everything is an important concern for us. We want to make our contribution to celebrate the cinema and the big screen. That’s why we have decided not to change our program, not to look at which films have already been released in the cinemas due to our postponement and which have not.
We are proud of the program we have put together for 2020 and are pleased that we are expected to be able to award all the film prizes planned.
And we are pleased that the film teams are pulling in the same direction as us and that, with few exceptions, we will be able to present the festival program in September as originally planned.”

All films of the competitions and side sections are presented during the five-day festival period. Due to the shortened time frame, however, there will be fewer repeat screenings.
More information about the festival and the program: achtung berlin – light edition 2020