On November 8, 2019, UCM.ONE releases the film “D-Day” on the film label “M-Square Pictures“. In the film with the German title “D-Day – Stoßtrupp Normandie” the actors Randy Courture, Chuck Liddell, Weston Cage Coppola and Jesse Kone plays the leading parts. The film, which will be available on Blu-Ray, DVD and all VoD portals, is based on the true story of a suicide squad that was supposed to take out strategically important German MG nests and gun positions on the beach of Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944, the day of the Allies’ great Normandy offensive.

The US elite ranger unit of the second battalion, led by Lieutenant General Omar Bradley (Chuck Liddl) and Lieutenant Colonel James Rider (Weston Cage Coppola), is to be the vanguard of the great invasion and neutralize the large German Wehrmacht gun units stationed along the planned invasion line in bunkers on the coast and in the near hinterland.
The first German units are quickly overwhelmed, but the tensions between the rangers increase as the group takes prisoners of war and suddenly sees itself surrounded by German command troops. Now it’s all about bare survival.
More info about the movie: D-Day