In 1984 their friendship began in the West Berlin underground. Four years later the two got together again in London and united their punk and electro roots in David’s studio on the Thames. While Harrow had already made a name for himself early on as a producer, including for Anne Clark and Atari Teenage Riot, Vamp was mainly on the road as a solo artist. He then settled back in West Berlin in the early 90s, shortly after the fall of the wall, experienced the ecstatic techno years of the post-reunification period first hand and, as part of the duo “Märtini Brös“, became an international household name in the minimal-electro scene from 1998 onwards with tracks such as “Flash” or “Biggest Fan”.
The single “Eyes Cold“, which can also be found on the album “Diamonds and Dust“, is a homage to Berlin: “Love or hate. Live or leave. Pitch or bitch. Diamonds and Dust”.

More information about: Vamp&Harrow