Sprich mit mir | Talk to me:

Talk to me“ (Original German title: “Sprich mit mir“) by Janin Halisch celebrated its international premiere at the 39th International Film Festival in Warsaw in October 2023. The German premiere took place in Saarbrücken at the Max Ophüls Prize 2023. There, Alina Stiegler won the Best Young Actress award for her role as Karo in “Talk to me“.


Karo, 28 years old, secretly observes her father on a building site and senses a great distance between them. When their eyes meet, she flees the scene. Back at home, her boyfriend Alex is in bed, but their attempts to be intimate with each other fail. At this moment, Alex unexpectedly decides to end the relationship. Karo doesn’t tell her mum Michaela when they meet at the hairdresser’s afterwards. Instead, Michaela wants to go on holiday with her daughter straight away, although the timing seems inappropriate to Karo. For Michaela, however, it is urgently necessary.

Karo spends the night at her mum’s and watches through the window as Michaela argues with her lover Martin. She tries to understand why Michaela suddenly wants to leave and whether it has anything to do with Martin. Michaela insists that it’s not about men, but about her and Karo. However, both women are hiding secrets from each other and finally decide to travel to the Baltic Sea together.

What begins as an annual trip to the Baltic Sea soon turns out to be a journey into the past of two women who are very different from each other. While Michaela seeks distraction, Karo longs for peace and quiet. At the hotel, they meet Jochen, a recently divorced 60-year-old man who is travelling alone with his 16-year-old daughter Marie for the first time. Karo is immediately attracted to the relationship between Jochen and Marie, as she has never had such a bond with her own father. At the same time, Michaela recognises in Jochen the perfect distraction from her chaotic love life. For Karo, Marie becomes the mirror of a youth that she herself missed out on.

Gradually, both women realise that the gap left by Karo’s father’s disappearance is bigger and more painful than they thought. Old wounds are torn open and each of them tries in her own way to find healing and free herself from her old roles. The trip to the Baltic Sea becomes a journey of self-reflection and inner growth for Karo and Michaela.

“Talk to Me” is a belated coming of age drama. It is a film about the bumpy road to acceptance between mothers and daughters, if not a declaration of love for this unique relationship.

In her first directorial work, a graduation film from the dffb, Janin Halisch presents a subtle portrayal of her characters. With a running time of 80 minutes, the film focuses on the nuanced relationship between two women who are confronted with challenges such as bad decisions and communication hurdles. Halisch’s approach is characterised by a non-judgemental but profound and empathetic view of her characters. The film delves deep into the emotional worlds of the protagonists by painting an intense picture of their inner conflicts and relationship dynamics. This work offers a subtle reflection on the themes of self-acceptance and interpersonal relationships.

Original title: Sprich mit mir

Director: Janin Halisch

Screenplay: Janin Halisch, Hannah Sioda

Cast: Clara Gerst, Janin Halisch, Jamila Wenske, Alina Stiegler (Karo), Barbara Philipp (Michaela), Peter Lohmeyer (Jochen), Pearl Graw (Marie), Jonathan Berlin (Alex), Zethphan Smith Gneist (Victor), Pierre Besson (Vater)

Producer: Clara Gerst, Janin Halisch, Jamila Wenske

Cinematography: Antonia Lange

Editing: Jamin Benazzouz

Production design: Carolin Brand

Costume design: Phyllis Pollmann

Music: Rafael Triebel, Fabian Saul

Sound Design: Malte Audick (Dialogredakteur), Lauritz Baudisch (Geräuschemacher), Jakob Mäsel (Tongestalter)

Mix / Soundmix: Lorenz Fischer (Sound mixing of post-recordings), Nikolaj Kolja Gütter (Sound mixing)

Music: Julius Pollux Rothlaender, Sigurlaug Thorarensen


Year of production: 2023

Genre: Drama

Country: Germany

Language: German

Subtitles: English


Length: 80 Min

Rating: FSK 12

Aspect ratio: 1,85:1 (17:9)

Frame rate: 24 fps

Sound: Surround 5.1, Stereo 2.0

Resolution: digital 2K

Other title:

English: Talk to me

Polish: Porozmawiaj ze mną


2023 Max-Ophüls-Preis: “Best up-and-coming actress” -> Alina Stiegler

2023 achtung berlin New Berlin Film Award: “Best screenplay” -> Janin Halisch & Hanah Sioda)

2023 First Step Award: “No Fear Award” -> Clara Gerst

Film label: Darling Berlin

Theatrical distribution: UCM.ONE


Theatrical start: January 18, 2024

About director Janin Halisch

Janin Halisch was born in East Berlin in 1984. She gained her first film experience at the Filmarche, a self-organised film school in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Janin Halisch has been studying directing at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB) since 2009. She graduated in 2022. To date, she has written and realised several short and medium-length films that have screened successfully at national and international festivals. She works as a freelance director, writer and dramaturge. In 2021 she shot three episodes of the 2nd season for the ZDF series “Echt“.


2023 Sprich mit mir, Feature film (80 Min.)
2016 Lui, Short film (20 Min.)
2015 The Lost Ones, Short film (10 Min.)
2014 Ihr und Eure Welt, Short film (25 Min.)
2013 Skinny Love, Short film (20 Min.)
2012 Vor Dir, Short film (20 Min.)

Talk to me” is her first feature-length film, which was funded by the Leuchtstoff programme of rbb and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.

Director’s note by Janin Halisch

“Ever since I was born, I’ve been going on holiday with my mother. This woman who laughs at everything, who is scarred by life, and her late-pubescent, all-controlling daughter. Holidays with my mother are full of humour, shame, pain and love. They have shaped my life. My generation was mainly raised by women. The absence of fathers and the mistrust between the sexes shaped our mothers and us. The absence of a father is always present in Karo’s life too. Mother and daughter have to prove again and again how well they can compensate for this absence.

The complex bond that this creates still too rarely finds its way onto the screen, yet it is precisely this bond that has always accompanied and deeply moved me as a director and writer. “Talk to Me” is a belated coming of age drama. It’s a film about the bumpy road to acceptance between mothers and daughters, if not a declaration of love for this unique relationship.”

About Aline Stiegler (Role: Karo)

Alina Theresa Stiegler (born 15 April 1993 in Eresing, Bavaria) has been acting in television, short film and cinema productions since 2005. Since 2011, she has appeared in the role of Johanna Girwidz in the ARD TV series “Hubert und Staller” alongside Christian Tramitz, Helmfried von Lüttichau and Michael Brandner. Stiegler made her cinema debut in 2011 in the literary adaptation of “Kasimir und Karoline“. In 2017, she was in the main cast of the second German Netflix production “Dogs of Berlin“, directed by Christian Alvart, alongside Felix Kramer and Fahri Yardim, among others. In 2018, she starred in the web series “Technically Single“.

Alina Stiegler completed her acting training at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich from 2012 to 2015. During her training, she already took on her first roles at the Münchner Kammerspiele, such as Gudrun Ensslin in “Ulrike Maria Stuart” and in “Schnapsbudenbestien – der Untergang einer Familie” based on Emile Zola. Between 2015 and 2020, she was a member of the ensemble at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz in Berlin. There she worked with directors such as Michael Thalheimer, Falk Richter, Herbert Fritsch and Thomas Ostermeier. Stiegler can still be seen as a guest at the Schaubühne, including in Ostermeier‘s production of Édouard Louis‘ novel “In the Heart of Violence“.

In February 2021, Alina Stiegler came out as part of the #actout initiative in SZ-Magazin with 184 other lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, non-binary and trans* actors*. In 2023, she was honoured as Best Young Actress at the Max Ophüls Prize film festival for her leading role of Karo in Janin Halisch‘s feature film “Talk to me“.

Filmography (Selection)

2023 Spreewaldkrimi: Die siebte Person (Director: Lars-Gunnar Lotz)
Sprich mit mir (Director: Janin Halisch)
2022 Polizeiruf 110: Daniel A. (Director: Dustin Loose)
Another Monday (Director: Esther Bialas, Nathan Nill), Serie
Ramstein – Das durchstoßene Herz (Director: Kai Wessel), TV-Film

Spreewaldkrimi: Tote trauern nicht (Director: Jan Fehse)

ZERV – Zeit der Abrechnung (Director: Dustin Loose)
2020 Spreewaldkrimi: Zeit der Wölfe (Director: Pia Strietmann)

Technically Single (Director: Sebastian Stojetz)

Dogs of Berlin (Director: Christian Alvart), Netflix series
Aenne Burda – Die Wirtschaftswunderfrau (Director: Franziska Meletzky)
2013 Hirngespinster (Director: Christian Bach)
Pfarrer Braun: Brauns Heimkehr (Director: Wolfgang F. Henschel)

Der Lehrer (Director: Peter Gersina)

2011 – 2015

Heiter bis tödlich: Hubert und Staller (Director: diverse), Series

2011 SOKO 5113 „Der Herbst der Nackten“ (Director: Sebastian Sorger)

Kasimir und Karoline (Director: Ben von Grafenstein)

2010 SOKO 5113 „Loverboy“ (Director: Patrick Wincezewski)

Zucchiniblüten (Director: Sonja Maria Kröner)

2009 Tunnelblicke (Director: Julius Grimm)

Garmischer Bergspitzen (Director: Dietmar Klein)

2008 – 2009 Dahoam is Dahoam (Director: diverse), Series
2007 Aus dem Tritt (Director: Pia Strietmann)

About Barbara Philipp (Role: Michaela)

Barbara Philipp (born 19 October 1965 in Wittlich) studied German language and literature as well as film and theatre studies at the Free University of Berlin after graduating from high school. She then completed her acting training from 1988 to 1993 at the Berlin acting school “Der Kreis” (Fritz Kirchhoff School) and the HB Studios in New York. She then returned to Germany and had theatre engagements at the Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer, the Berliner Ensemble and the Staatsschauspiel Dresden. In 2018, she was involved in the “Wild World Forest – Theatre Performance” by BBM, the Divan Gallery and the Elbe River Landscape Biosphere Reserve (Ferbitzer Forst, Gadow).

In 1994, Barbara Philipp made her film debut in the leading role of Franziska Bäcker in the ZDF film drama “Nah am Wasser“, directed by Marc Ottiker alongside Sven Pippig. In the same film she played in the short film “Spieglein, Spieglein“. From 1997 to 1998, she played the role of Katja Goldbach in the TV series “Die Kids von Berlin“. In 1999, she was cast as Bille in a supporting role in the Kerstin Gier film “Männer und andere Katastrophen“. In 2004, she was a regular cast member as Chief Inspector Hanne Krause in the ZDF crime series “Einmal Bulle, immer Bulle“.

Barbara Philipp was nominated for the 2004 German Television Award in the category Best Supporting Actress for her role as drug addict Nina Grote in the Tatort episode “Das Böse” by Frankfurt investigative duo Dellwo and Sänger. Since 2010, she has played the role of LKA administrative employee Magda Wächter alongside Ulrich Tukur as Felix Murot in the Tatort episodes produced by Hessischer Rundfunk. From 2011 to 2017, she played Kriminaldirektorin Kessler in the ZDF crime series “Der Kriminalist“. In 2019, she took on the leading role in Matthias Steurer‘s “Viele Kühe und ein schwarzes Schaf” as veterinarian Beate Müller alongside Matthias Brenner and Oliver Konietzny. Since 2021, she has played a continuous supporting role in the ZDF hospital series “Doktor Ballouz” as petrol station owner Cindy.

In addition to her work on stage and in front of the camera, Barbara Philipp also works as a radio play narrator, including for Hessischer Rundfunk‘s “Radio Tatort“. Between 2010 and 2015, she recorded numerous radio plays and features for the radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur.

With her idiosyncratic, strong characters in “Die andere Heimat“, “Systemsprenger” and “Lara“, “König der Raben” and “Trauzeugen“, she shows her great versatility not only in the cinema but also on TV. In “Dark“, “Das Haus der Träume” and as the legendary gangster boss in “Babylon Berlin“, she can be seen in internationally successful series productions.

In 2023, Barbara Philipp completed filming the adaptation of Peter Weiss‘ play “The Investigation“. RP Kahl directed the extraordinary, artistically radical project for the cinema screen. Leonine Studios plans to release the film in cinemas on January 25, 2024. In 2023, Barbara Philipp was also in front of the camera for filming the Sky and WOW-produced 8-part series “Public Affairs” and for the exciting ZDF crime production “Death in Mombasa” (AT: “Moritz Wagner – Spur der Bilder“). Under the direction of Janin Halisch, produced by “No Fear Award” winning producer Clara Gerst, Barbara Philipp took on the leading role of mother Michaela in the multi-award-winning “coming of age drama” “Talk to me“.

Filmography (Selection)


Public Affairs (Director: Wolfgang Groos, Matthias Koßmehl), Series

Letzte Spur Berlin: Danach (Director: Verena S. Freytag), Series

Tatort: Murot und das 1000jährige Reich (Director: M.X. Oberg) Series

Moritz Wagner – Spur der Bilder (Director: Jörg Lühdorff), Feature film
791 km (Director: Tobi Baumann), Feature film

Sprich mit mir (Director: Janin Halisch), Feature film


Tatort: Murot und das Paradies (Director: Florian Gallenberger), Series

Vena (Director: Chiara Fleischhacker), Feature film (Diplom)

Schleudergang (Director: MX Oberg), Series

Unschuldig (Director: Ute Wieland), TV two-parter

Doktor Ballouz, 3. Season (Director: Felix Ahrens, Andreas Menck), Series

Deadlines (Director: Annika Pinske, Johannes Boss), Series

Trauzeugen (Director: Lena May Graf, Finn Christoph Stroeks), Feature film

Sie Chefin: Falsches Spiel (Director: Michael Schneider), Series


Tatort: Murot, Das Prinzip Hoffnung (Director: Rainer Kaufmann), Series

Das Haus der Träume, 2. Staffel (Director: Sherry Hormann), Series

Doktor Ballouz, 2. Season (Director: Felix Ahrens, Florian Gottschick) , Series

Babylon Berlin, 4. Season (Director: Achim Von Borries. Tom Tykwer, Hendrik Handloegten), Series


Tatort: Murot, Das Prinzip Hoffnung (Director: Rainer Kaufmann), Series

Deadlines (Director: Arabella Bartsch, Mareike Danisch), Series

Die Luft, die wir atmen (Director: Martin Enlen), Feature film

Nix Festes (Director: Ulli Baumann), Series

Ein Fall für Zwei: Notwehr (Director: Bettina Braun), Series

Doktor Ballouz (Director: Andreas Menck, Philipp Osthus), Series

Falk: Herr Kirchhof (Director: Peter Stauch, Stefan Bühling), Series

Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase (Director: Florian Gallenberger), Feature film

Betty’s Diagnose: Der Schein trügt (Director: Eva Wolf), Series


Stille Post (Director: Florian Hoffmann), Feature film

Sportabzeichen (Director: Thomas Roth), Feature film

Kein einfacher Mord (Director: Sebastian Ko), Feature film

König der Raben (Director: Piotr Lewandowski), Feature film

Tatort: Die Ferien des Monsieur Murot (Director: Grzegorz Muskala), Series


Viele Kühe und ein schwarzes Schaf (Director: Matthias Steurer), Feature film

Tatort: Angriff auf Wache 08 (Director: Thomas Stuber), Series

Pastewka (Director: Erik Haffner, Tobi Baumann), Series

Die Affäre Borgward (Director: Marcus O. Rosenmüller), Feature film


Lara (Director: Jan-Ole Gerster), Feature film

Systemsprenger (Director: Nora Fingscheidt), Feature film

Dark (Director: Baran Bo Odar), Netflix series

2000 – 2016

Die andere Heimat: Chronik einer Sehnsucht (Director: Edgar Reitz), Feature film

Der Medicus (Director: Philipp Stölzl), Feature film

Der Vorleser (Director: Stephen Daldry), Feature film

Baby (Director: Philip Stölzl), Feature film

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt (Director: Marc Rothemund), TV movie

LiebesLuder (Director: Detlev Buck), Feature film

About Peter Lohmeyer (Role: Jochen)

Peter Lohmeyer (born January 22, 1962 in Niedermarsberg) studied acting at the Westphalian Drama School in Bochum from 1982 to 1984, making his stage debut in “Was heißt hier Liebe” at Schauspielhaus Bochum. He then played at theatres in Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Hamburg and the Schillertheater (Berlin). In 2009, he returned to the Bochum theatre for a new stage version of “Menschen im Hotel“.

He took on his first role in a television film in 1983 in “Der Kampfschwimmer” (directed by Alexander von Eschwege) and made his film debut in 1988 in “Tiger, Löwe, Panther” (directed by Dominik Graf). He became famous with “Die Straßen von Berlin” (1995 to 1998) and “Das Wunder von Bern” (2003, directed by Sönke Wortmann). In 1998, Peter Lohmeyer received the Gold Film Award for “Zugvögel” (director: Peter Lichtefeld) and in 2000 the Bavarian Television Award for “Der Elefant in meinem Bett” (director: Mark Schlichter). Since 2013, Peter Lohmeyer has appeared as Death in “Jedermann” at the Salzburg Festival. Peter Lohmeyer is a member of the German Film Academy.

Filmography (Selection)


Unsere Geschichte: Hamburg und sein Elbtunnel, Documentary


Die Wespe, 2. Staffel (Director: Tobi Baumann), Series

I Don’t Work Here (Director: Arman T. Riahi),  Series

Wir haben einen Dea (Director: Felicitas Korn), TV movie

Ponyherz (Director: Markus Dietrich), Feature film


Das Netz – Ein Wintermärchen (Director: Andreas & Daniel Prochaska), Series

So laut du kannst (Director: Esther Bialas), TV movie

Partynation (Director: Felicitas Korn, Maze Pictures), Feature film

Sprich mit mir (Director: Janin Halisch), Feature film

Endlich Witwer – Forever Young (Director: Ana Lazarescu), Tv movie


Die Luft zum Atme (Director: Jophi Ries), Feature film


Martha & Tommy (Director: Petra K. Wagner), Feature film

Todesengel (Director: Jakob Ziemnicki), TV movie

Väter allein zu Haus (Director: Jan Martin Scharf, Esther Gronenborn), FTV movie

Tatort: Die Guten und die Bösen (Director: Petra K. Wagner), Series

Nahschuss (Director: Franziska Stünkel), Feature film

About producer Clara Gerst

Clara Gerst was born in Cologne in 1987. She started making films herself at an early age and worked on various film projects, including as a production assistant on Tatort and the feature film “Within The Whirlwind“. She has been working as an actress in film and television productions since 2004. She studied History and English and, from 2014, Production at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). In addition to her studies, she worked as a production coordinator and production manager and as a caster for various TV and film projects.

In 2020/2021 she worked as a producer for Vincent Productions. In 2022 she completed her production studies at the DFFB with the graduation film “Sprich mit mir“.

For her work as a producer on “Sprich mit mir” (English title “Talk to me“), Clara Gerst was honoured with the “No Fear Award” producer prize at the First Step Award for young talent in German film in 2023.

Filmography (Producer)

2024 Von Einer die Auszog das Fürchten zu lehren (Director: Elsa van Damke), Series (5x 20 Min.), RTL+
2023 Sprich mit mir (Director: Janin Halisch), Feature film (80 Min.)
2021 Kennedys Europa (Director: Kai Christiansen), TV movie (52 Min.)
2018 Mercedes (Wolffpackvision GmbH), Advertising
2017 Elenor Rigby (Director: Christoph Rath), Short film (5 Min.)
2016 Lui (Director: Janin Halisch), Short film (20 Min.)
Schäfer (Director: Gerald Sommerauer), Short film (17 Min.)

About cinematographer Antonia Lange

Antonia Lange, born and based in Berlin, has been working as a cinematographer in the film industry since 2009.

After several years in the lighting department, she studied cinematography at the German Film & Television Academy Berlin (DFFB) and received a scholarship for the California Institute Of The Arts (CalArts) in Los Angeles.

In addition to projects in Germany, she has also filmed abroad in France, Malta, Poland, Italy, Denmark, the USA and Guinea. She works in the fields of feature film, advertising film, experimental film, documentary film and music video.

Filmography (Cinematography / Selection)

2023 Sprich mit mir (Director: Janin Halisch), Feature film
2022 Dancing Heartbeats (Director: Lisa Wagner), Documentary

Ikea – Tipps & Tricks (Director: Bilge Ak), Web-Magazine

2019 Revolvo (Director: Francy Fabritz), Short film

Jesus Egon Christus (Director: diverse), Feature film

Amok! Morgen oder übermorgen (Director: Henning Wagner), Short film

United Audience – Alienize (Director: Henning Wagner), Interactive web series (series pilot)

Das erste Manöver (Director: Oliver Grüttner), Short film

2016 Waldgeist (Director: Lasse Holdhus), Short film

Milch kaputt, drei Papier (Director: Tim Kochs), Short film

The Nine-Headed Hydra (Director: Michael Nason), Short film

Meral, Kizim (Director: Süheyla Schwenk), Short film


Der See (Director: Faraz Fesharaki), Short film

About editor Jamin Benazzouz (BFS)

After a failed attempt to become a drummer, Jamin Benazzouz began training as a media designer for image and sound at Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne in 2005. He discovered his enthusiasm for film editing during various editing assistantships.

A two-year permanent position at WDR was followed by a degree in editing at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in 2010, which Jamin Benazzouz completed in 2013 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts.

In 2017, he graduated from the consecutive master’s programme with the multimedia narrative “Von Kirchen und Nicht-Kichen” (English translation: “Of churches and non-churches“). During his studies, he worked with renowned production companies such as Rommel Film, zero one film and DETAiIFILM. His work centres on feature-length fiction and documentary films.

Filmography (Editor / Selection)

2023 Iron Box -AT- (Director: Julia von Heinz), Feature film
2022 Transatlantic (Director: diverse), Netflix serie

Sprich mit mir (Director: Janin Halisch), Feature film

One in a Million (Director: Joya Thome), Documentary
Lauras Stern (Director: Joya Thome), Feature film
Nos amours – Unsere Lieben (Director: diverse) Documentary, arte, SWR [de]
Spagat (Director: Christian Johannes Koch), Feature film
Götter von Molenbeek (Director: Reetta Huhtanen), Documentary
Kulenkampffs Schuhe (Director: Regina Schilling), Documentary, HR [de], SWR [de]
But Beautiful – Nichts existiert unabhängig (Director: Erwin Wagenhofer), Documentary
2016 Lui (Director: Janin Halisch), Short film

Die Schule auf dem Zauberberg (Director: Radek Wegrzyn), Documentary

2015 Gestrandet (Director: Lisei Caspers), Documentary
2014 Titos Brille (Director: Regina Schilling), Documentary
Meteorstrasse (Director: Aline Fischer), Feature film
2013 Ihr und eure Welt (Director: Janin Halisch), Short film
Der Gast -AT- (Director: Christian Johannes Koch), Short film
Not the Time for Guitars (Director: Ariel Shaban), Short film
Love, Yesterday (Director: Joya Thome), Short film
Jovana (Director: Felix Harmuth), Short film

Talk to me | Trailerᴴᴰ

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More Information

Additional information about the film

Sprich mit mir” (English title: “Talk to me“) is a production of the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB) in co-production with Softspot Productions, Achtung Panda! and Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) with funds from the Leuchtstoff programme of rbb and Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg.

  • Alina Stiegler was awarded the Max Ophüls Prize 2023 asBest Young Actress” for her role as Karo. The film was nominated in the Best Feature Film category at the same festival.
  • The film (screenplay: Janin Halisch and Hanah Sioda) received the award for Best Screenplay at the Achtung Berlin New Berlin Film Award – Festival 2023.
  • Producer Clara Gerst was honoured for her production work with the No Fear Award 2023, the production prize for up-and-coming filmmakers Fist Step Award 2023.

Statement from the First Step jury on the “No Fear Award 2023” to Clara Gerst:
” Good producers must have many, very different qualities. They have to convince and motivate, they have to balance and negotiate, they have to keep calm and persevere, they have to maintain an overview and at the same time have a feel for the details. The winner of this year’s “No Fear Award” has all of this. Clara Gerst supported and helped shape a creative vision from the very beginning, ensured fair and sustainable conditions despite the biggest budget challenges, put together a predominantly female core team and created a trusting working atmosphere. And when the coronavirus pandemic came along and made it impossible to shoot the film abroad, which had been planned and prepared with so much passion and care, she didn’t let the film fail, but worked with the team to redesign it so that it could be made in lockdown in Germany instead. The result is a very touching film.”


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