Let’s experience together the captivating soundscape of the renowned Time Unlimited artist Roughage with his brand new single “Melancholy”. This release is an absolute highlight for anyone who loves and appreciates electronic music. The “Melancholy” release consists of three powerful tracks that will take you on a musical journey full of energy, dynamics and emotions.

From the very first beats, “Melancholy” casts a spell. The combination of hypnotizing melodies and driving rhythms shows once again why Roughage is considered one of the most talented artists in the electronic music scene. His ability to seamlessly blend different genres and styles creates a unique listening experience that will delight both seasoned ravers and newcomers alike.

Die Magie von „Melancholy“ liegt in ihrer Vielseitigkeit und Tiefe. Der Titel in den 3 Facetten auf der Veröffentlichung bietet eine eigene Atmosphäre und lädt den Hörer ein, in eine Welt voller Klanglandschaften und musikalischer Innovationen einzutauchen. Ob auf der Tanzfläche oder in einem intensiven, persönlichen Hörerlebnis – „Melancholy“ bietet für jeden Moment den passenden Soundtrack.

The magic of “Melancholy” lies in its versatility and depth. The track in the 3 facets on the release offers its own atmosphere and invites the listener to immerse themselves in a world of soundscapes and musical innovation. Whether on the dance floor or in an intense, personal listening experience – “Melancholy” offers the right soundtrack for every moment.

Roughage - Melancholy (Extended Mix)

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Roughage - Melancholy (Rhode Jazz Mix)

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Roughage - Something Touching Us

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More information about the artist: Roughage

More information about the label: Time unlimited