To celebrate their fifth anniversary, Noble Demon have released another installment of the “Noble Demonic Metal” sampler series. “Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 4” contains a hand-picked selection of the talented artist-roaster’s best songs, showcasing the label’s most successful singles as well as hidden gems from recent albums.
Despite challenges such as the pandemic, economic crises and production delays, Noble Demon has grown steadily over the past five years. With a solid roster of 30 bands, extensive global distribution, digital marketing expertise and a passion for releasing independent music, the label is stronger than ever.
Furthermore, the ever-growing label is happy to announce another piece of news: “As not all of the 30 artists mentioned above are officially part of the label roster yet, we will be announcing more killer signings soon. So, keep your eyes peeled and follow our social media channels to not miss the best in independent metal! \m/“
The cover artwork idea comes from Jon Glittenberg.
Further information and tracklisting: Noble Demonic Metal – Chapter 4
More information about the label and the bands: Noble Demon
T-shirts and hoodies for the compilation series “Noble Demonic Metal“
Noble Demon T-shirt (green)
Noble Demon T-shirt (bronze)
Noble Demon Hoodie (green)
Noble Demon Hoodie (bronze)
The T-shirts and hoodies can be purchased in our store.