Der Dritte Raum (The Third Room, short D3R aka Andreas Krüger) is possibly one of the most innovative liveacts Germany’s techno scene has brought forward since the early Nineties, the formative years when Frankfurt trance was growing into a national movement that would change the course of dance music in Germany forever and inspired countless individuals with its take on electronics. With two album releases on the incredibly influential Frankfurt Harthouse imprint, which was partly run by pioneer DJ Sven Väth, Techno Germany’s undisputed father figure who still spearheads the scene, and three album releases on Virgin, there is hardly any live act and producer duo as successful and innovative as Der Dritte Raum.
Merging techno, trance, electro and house all into one to create their own distinctive sounds that has generations of ravers on their knees begging for more, it’s time to send them into frenzy again with the re-release of all albums on the Harthouse imprint (now based in Berlin) which lost nothing of its impact.

All albums will be out on April 6th on all plattforms as iTunes, Beatport, Spotify, etc!
Step by step all singles and remixes as well as all other albums originally released after the Harthouse and Virgin era will be released – also remastered – in the next weeks.