Ever heard of Younes Bahmad? Under the artist name ‘UNES’, he is a fixture in the Moroccan underground DJ scene. With over 30 years of experience, UNES has established himself as a mentor for many aspiring DJs in Morocco. His in-depth DJ skills and extensive musical knowledge have earned him great recognition since he started playing at the renowned ‘Platinum’ club in 2003. His sets, which regularly thrill the Moroccan audience, have earned him national fame and respect.

Nun macht UNES den nächsten Schritt in seiner beeindruckenden Karriere mit der Veröffentlichung seiner Debüt-EP “Take Your Time” auf dem renommierten deutschen Label Plastic City. Diese EP markiert einen wichtigen Meilenstein und zeigt UNES‘ Talent, Deep House und elektronische Musik auf eine neue Ebene zu heben.

Die “Take Your Time” EP umfasst zwei fesselnde Tracks, die beide für Aufsehen sorgen und die Clubszene beleben werden: Der titelgebende Track “Take Your Time” besticht mit voller Energie und Lebendigkeit und lädt die Hörer ein, sich in die Klangwelt von UNES zu vertiefen.

Der Track “Tripping” kombiniert kraftvolle Rhythmen mit atmosphärischen Klanglandschaften. “Tripping” nimmt die Hörer mit auf eine musikalische Reise, die sowohl zum Tanzen als auch zum Nachdenken anregt.

UNES brings his extensive experience and love of music to every production. His tracks are characterised by deep, organic sounds and a special ability to convey emotions through music. The ‘Take Your Time’ EP clearly shows why UNES is considered one of the leading underground DJs in Morocco.

With the release of his debut EP ‘Take Your Time’ on Plastic City, UNES shows why he is considered one of the outstanding artists on the Moroccan DJ scene. This EP offers a perfect blend of energy, depth and musical sophistication that will delight both on the dance floor and in private listening. Discover the magic of UNES and let his music take you to a new dimension of sound.

UNES - Take Your Time | Plastic City

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UNES - Tripping | Plastic City

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More information about the label: Plastic City