Philipp Eichholtz’s fourth feature film (English title: “Everything Always All the Time“) deals with the question of what happens when your girlfriend suddenly has a penis? And is love in the end only for idiots?

Kim and Andreas are actually quite happy – with themselves and life. But Kim wants more. She wants a penis. Not because she wants to be a man, but simply because she is curious. But she doesn’t want to talk to Andreas about it. She prefers to present him with a fait accompli. Who needs communication if you can do without it? While Andreas falls into silent actionism, Kim runs through Berlin in a goose step. To top it all off, their mutual best friend Anna moves in with them with her own heartache and an acute desire to have children. That doesn’t make it any easier to talk about their own wishes and needs. Maybe a penis is never a metaphor – it is already the refrain of their relationship. And if you end up feeling lonely with two people, are you perhaps less alone with three people?