The film “Kim hat einen Penis” (English title: “Everything Always All the Time”) by Philipp Eichholtz is competing at this year’s Filmfest München. The premiere will take place in the presence of the film crew on Thursday, 05. July 18:00 clock in Sendlinger Tor.
We are also happy to announce that the film “Kim hat einen Penis” has been nominated in the category New German Cinema in all four categories. The jury, consisting of the Luxembourgish actress Vicky Krieps, the producer Jamila Wenske and the director Uisenma Borchu, will select and announce the winners during the film festival.
The nominations in detail:
Förderpreis Neues Deutsches Kino Director: Philipp Eichholtz for “Kim hat einen Penis”
Förderpreis New German Cinema Production: Oliver Jerke, Philipp Eichholtz for “Kim hat einen Penis”
New German Cinema script: Philipp Eichholtz, Christian Ehrich, Maxi Rosenheinrich, Martina Schöne-Radunski for “Kim hat einen Penis”
Förderpreis Neues Deutsches Kino Acting: Christian Ehrich, Stella Hilb for “Kim hat einen Penis”

Synopsis of the movie “Kim hat einen Penis”:
How does relationship work? What happens if your girlfriend suddenly has a penis? And is love in the end only for idiots?
Kim and Andreas are actually happy – with themselves and their lives. But Kim wants more. She wants a penis. Not because she would like to be a man, but simply because she is curious. However, she does not want to talk to Andreas about it. Dear, she presents him with accomplished facts. Who needs communication, even if it works without it? While Andreas falls into silent action, Kim runs through the lintel through Berlin. To make matters worse, then their common best friend Anna with their very own heartache and acute desire for children moves in with them. That does not make things easier when talking about your own wishes and needs. Because maybe a penis is never a metaphor – he is already the refrain of their relationship. And if you feel lonely in the end with two, then you are perhaps less alone with three people?