Lara Hewitt‘s film “Datsche” deals with the overcoming of prejudices and breaking humanity in a small allotment garden near Potsdam. The premiere will take place on Thursday, 03. October 2019, 7pm, in the presence of British director Lara Hewitt and the film team at City Kino Wedding in Berlin. The new Darling Berlin Film starts on the same day via the theatrical distribution UCM.ONE nationwide in the German cinemas.
The movie “Datsche” is “Big Cinema in the Small Garden”: a summer, many grilled sausages and open garden doors are sometimes all it takes to remember that much more connects us than divides us. A movie for all those who long for home or have already found them. A love song about Germany and the strength that lies in the community … and all this in a film for which a native Englishwoman is responsible.
Der “erfrischende Film” über Freundschaften, die über Gartenzäune und Grenzen hinausgehen, lief bereits sehr erfolgreich auf vielen internationalen Festivals und ist ein starkes Statement für Freiheit und die Überwindung von kulturellen Schranken, ein Thema, das zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit wieder besonders in den Fokus rückt. “Datsche” bietet aber auch einen Blick von außen auf Deutschland, ist aber auch ein Film für jeden, der jemals einen Ort geliebt hat und ihn verlassen musste.

The New Yorker Valentin sets off across the Atlantic to pursue his German roots in Berlin. The dacha, which his late grandfather left to him, is not in Berlin at all, but in a sleepy allotment garden in the east of the republic. Most neighbors welcome him with open arms, a lot of curiosity and a “phonebook-thick” set of rules.

But not all are sympathetic to the young newcomer and look with skepticism on the developments in the once “most beautiful garden” of the whole colony. Especially Gregor, a neighbor with a very special fondness for accurately trimmed hedges and nationalistic ideas, throws his eagle eye at the American – who, to make matters worse, also discovers a submerged refugee in his attic. Adam comes from Ethiopia and runs the risk of being deported. The two young men make friends and pact not to tell anyone about Adam’s existence.

When Valentin then hires a colorful group of couch-surfing guests from all over the world to help him to revamp the garden, the hitherto so peaceful community is neatly mixed up …
More information about the movie: Datsche